Trying to build a .CSV report with information extracted from PowerCLI. The Write-Host shows all the relevant data, but the $outfile variable created within the [PSCustomObject] is empty. I’ve done this before but for some reason I don’t see my error.
Here is my code:
$outfile = $protectionGroups | # Build array of references to VMs for each protection group
ForEach-Object {
$protectionGroup = $_
$protectionGroupInfo = $protectionGroup.GetInfo()
$vms = $protectionGroup.ListAssociatedVms()
ForEach($vm in $vms) {
$vm.UpdateViewData() # Update (populate) each VM view from the vSphere connection
$vminfo = Get-VM $vm.Name | Select *
Write-Host `
$vminfo.Name `
$vminfo.PowerState `
$vminfo.NumCpu `
$vminfo.ExtensionData.Config.RepConfig.Rpo `
$vminfo.ExtensionData.Config.RepConfig.Destination `
([math]::Round($vminfo.MemoryGB, 0)) `
([math]::Round($vminfo.UsedSpaceGB, 2)) `
([math]::Round($vminfo.ProvisionedSpaceGB, 2)) `
$vminfo.Guest `
[PSCustomObject] @{
Name = $vminfo.Name
PowerState = $vminfo.PowerState
NumCPU = $vminfo.NumCpu
RPO = $vminfo.ExtensionData.Config.RepConfig.Rpo
Destination = $vminfo.ExtensionData.Config.RepConfig.Destination
MemoryGB = [math]::Round($vminfo.MemoryGB, 0)
UsedSpace = [math]::Round($vminfo.UsedSpaceGB, 2)
ProvisionedGB = [math]::Round($vminfo.ProvisionedSpaceGB, 2)
Guest = $vminfo.Guest
Notes = $vminfo.Notes
I thought Write-Host statements weren’t captured by variables?
PS> $t = Write-Host "just testing"
PS> $t
using the above test returns nothing. Based on @palmero code if the write-host statements are working then I would think $vminfo is getting value from within the ForEach loop. It would seem like the PSCustomObjects should be outputting, and the $Outfile variable looks like where they’d go
I usually don’t use Write-Host at all. Instead I just output variables by calling them and then the output ends up in the default output stream. That’s why I got it mixed up.
oh no it’s all good. I just thought I was missing something. I’m usually pretty conscious Write-Host’s behavior so sometimes I use it in loops to give me a visual indicator of what it’s working on, knowing that i’m not corrupting my object output since it’s a different stream.
If it’s more than just a few lines of code I do actually use Write-Verbose or Write-Debug. This way I can turn the verbose or debug output on and off and I don’t have to clean up my code later on from the Write-Hosts.
However, the csv file ends up with only the VMs for the last protection group. It appears the PSCustomObject is being recreated for each group being processed in the outermost loop.
I added the += to the innermost loop and seems to work.
Would like to know if there is a cleaner way rather than keep adding.
this is because your $report variable is defined with each iteration of the parent ForEach loop. When it’s done only the last $pg will have pscustomobjects in the $report variable.
I moved the report variable to capture output from your parent loop, but that’s basically what you had when you started this and you said you weren’t getting any output.