I was asked today about the Begin{} Process{} End{} blocks and why was Foreach needed inside the Process block. I have seen it with and without but to be honest I could not give a good answer to the question.
Example 1 -
Function Get-ServerStuff [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty ) BEGIN { $Date = (get-date).ToString('MM-dd-yy-HHmm') $Opt = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Dcom $CS = $null $SessionParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'Stop' } If ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) { $SessionParams.Credential = $Credential } } PROCESS { $ServerInfoReport = @() ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName){ # Checking connection to Server If cannot connect drop this server and go to the next one. Try { $Check1 = Test-Connection $Computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object Address,IPV4Address Write-Host 'Test-Connection successful for Server ' $Check1.Address $Check1.IPV4Address -ForegroundColor Yellow "`r`n" } # End Try Catch [System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException]{ $ErrorMessage = $Computer + ' [CATCH] ' + $Check1.IPV4Address + ' ' + $_.Exception.Message "`r`n" Write-Warning -Message $ErrorMessage $ErrorMessage | Out-File "C:\Temp\ServerInfo_Errors $Date.txt" -Append #Write-Warning -Message "[CATCH] Unable to connect to $Computer. Verify $Computer is online and try again." "`r`n" Start-Sleep -s 5 Continue } # End Catch
Example 2 - Where I am piping extension numbers from a CSV file…
Import-CSV C:\Users\tbolton\Temp\ProvRange.csv | Get-ExtensionCSV
Function Get-ExtensionCSV { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Extension ) Begin { $CSU=Get-CSuser -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,LineURI $GU=Get-User -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {Phone -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,Phone $GetOTP=Get-User -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {OtherTelePhone -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,OtherTelePhone $GetOF=Get-User -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {OtherFax -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,OtherFax $GetC=Get-Contact -Filter {Phone -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,Phone $GetExC=Get-CsExUmContact -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,DisplayNumber $GUM=Get-UMMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {EmailAddresses -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,EmailAddresses $GRG=Get-CsRgsWorkflow | Select Name,LineURI $GetA=Get-csanalogdevice -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,LineURI $GetCO=Get-CsCommonAreaPhone -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,LineURI $GetCf=Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} | Select DisplayName,LineURI } Process { $CSUser = $CSU | ?{$_.LineURI -like "*$Extension*"} # Lync $GetUser = $GU | ?{$_.Phone -like "*$Extension*"} # Active Directoy $GetOtherTelePhone = $GetOTP | ?{$_.OtherTelePhone -Like "*$Extension*"} # Active Directoy '*$Extension*'" $GetOtherFax = $GetOF | ?{$_.OtherFax -Like "$Extension*"} # Active Directoy '*$Extension*'" $GetContact = $GetC | ?{$_.Phone -Like "*$Extension*"} $GetExUmContact = $GetExC | ?{$_.LineURI -Like "*$Extension"} $GetUM = $GUM | ?{$_.EmailAddresses -Like "EUM:$Extension*"} # Exchange $GetRG = $GRG | ?{$_.LineURI -like "*$Extension"} $GetAnalog = $GetA | ?{$_.LineURI -like "*$Extension"} # GGet-CsAnalogDevice -Filter {LineUri -like "tel:+1425555*"} $GetCommon = $GetCO | ?{$_.LineURI -like "*$Extension"} # Get-CsCommonAreaPhone -Filter {LineUri -eq "tel:+14255551234"} $GetConf = $GetCF | ?{$_.LineURI -like "*$Extension"} # Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber -Filter {LineUri -like "tel:+1*$Extension"} $NotFound = $Extension + " - N/A" # Creating new Objects $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject # If statments - If found will show information, if not will show Extension N/A. If ($CSUser -ne $null) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Lync URI" -Value ($CSUser.DisplayName) } Else { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Lync URI" -Value ($NotFound) }
What is the rule as to when Foreach is needed? I was under the impression that Process {} acted like Foreach…?