Private Module Function Not Found When Running All Test Scripts and Piping Multiple Objects

I am working on a module that wraps the API of one of our partners. As such, most functions just pass values to Invoke-RestMethod and return the response.

I am experiencing a strange issue where the private function that actually calls Invoke-RestMethod is returning a CommandNotFoundException but only when attempting to pass multiple objects in via the pipeline and only when I try to run the entire module’s test suite.

Here is an example of a working test:

    Context 'Pipelining a single object' {
        BeforeAll {
            Mock -CommandName $internalApiFunction { ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json) } -ModuleName $moduleName

            [PSCustomObject]$testInput = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Type = 'A'
                Name = ''

                Justification = 'Variable is used in a different scope'
            $result = $testInput | Add-RecordViaApi

        It 'Passes the correct "<DataType>" to the API' -TestCases @(
            @{DataType = 'Type'}
            @{DataType = 'Name'}
        ) {
            $expected = $testInput.$DataType

            $result.records[0].$DataType | Should -BeExactly $expected

Immediately below that Context block (in the same test script) is this one:

    Context 'Pipelining multiple objects' {
        BeforeAll {
            Mock -CommandName $internalApiFunction { ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json) } -ModuleName $moduleName

            [PSCustomObject]$testInput = @(
                [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'A'; Name = '' }
                [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'A'; Name = '' }

                Justification = 'Variable is used in a different scope'
            $result = $testInput | Add-RecordViaApi

        It 'Invokes the API only once' {
            Should -Invoke -CommandName $internalApiFunction -Times 1 -Exactly

As far as I can tell, the only difference between the 2 tests is the number of objects being passed into the pipeline. The first test always passes but the latter fails when run as part of the full test suite:

[-] Add-RecordViaApi.Pipelining multiple objects.Invokes the API only once 450ms (447ms|3ms)
 CommandNotFoundException: Could not find Command Invoke-ApiAsync

Function Invoke-ApiAsync does exist; if it did not then the first test would also fail because Add-RecordViaApi explicitly depends on it.

This is how I usually invoke Pester during my workflow:

powershell.exe -NonInteractive -Command 'Invoke-Pester; gci -Recurse -File | Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer'; Get-Date

When I invoke Pester as above, the multi-object pipeline test fails. When I invoke just that one test script, the test passes:

powershell.exe -NonInteractive -Noprofile -Command 'Invoke-Pester -Path "./Tests/Add-RecordViaApi.Tests.ps1"'; Get-Date