PowerShell XML update Attribute Value in a Loop

Below is the XML i am working on to Update the attribute VALUE based on the Parant Node DESCRIPTION Value…

For Parant Node “FRUITS DESCRIPTION =“MANGO””. I have to Update VALUE =“.log” to VALUE =“MANGO.log”

For Parant Node “FRUITS DESCRIPTION =“pineapple””. I have to Update VALUE =“.log” to VALUE =“pineapple.log”

How to achive the same using powershell…

I have a problem in the loop…

It’s “parent.”

Without seeing any code, and some of the actual XML, it’s impossible to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Please note that you can’t post XML directly in the forums. I’d suggest creating a GitHub Gist with your XML, and then pasting the Gist URL here in the forums.

Thanks for the response please find the below link …


Hope this will help to understand what i am looking for.

Thanks for your time…