powershell script question

Hi guys
How do i run ps script in multiple domains
$servers = Gc c:\servers.txt
$cred1 = get-credential

Foreach($server in $servers {
Try { gwmi win32_timezone }
Try { gwmi win32_timezone -credential $cred1}
Catch{ write-host “whatever”

I get error saying try needs a catch block

Each try statement needs its own catch block; you can’t chain them together like that. You can, however, put multiple statements into a single Try block. If the first statement succeeds without producing a terminating error, the next one is executed, and so on (though that logic doesn’t seem quite right for what you’re doing; I would assume that you want to execute the second call to Get-WmiObject only if the first one failed. For that, you can put the second call into the first one’s catch block.)

On a side note, you’re not actually using the $server variable in the calls to Get-WmiObject in that code, so they would all be executing locally. You’ll also want to add “-ErrorAction Stop” to each of the calls to Get-WmiObject; this ensures that if they do produce any errors, they are treated as Terminating errors (which is the only thing a try/catch block will see, in PowerShell.)

Try this:

foreach ($server in $servers) {
    try {
        gwmi win32_timezone -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        try {
            gwmi win32_timezone -credential $cred1 -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Whatever"

after reading about 15-20 times and troubleshooting, i understood this… thanks a lot Dave