powershell regex delete white space before string

hello all,

My initial goal was to retrieve a set of specific strings (virtual machine names) out of txt file.
Because I wanted only the VM name, I used the -replace operator to remove the unnecessary string (“Display Name:”) in a calculated property.
Thus, my final command would be:
get-content vm-process.txt | select-string “Display Name:” | Select @{l=‘VM Name’; e={$_.line -replace 'Display Name: ‘,’ ’ }} | sort -Property ‘VM Name’

Whilst my output (shown below) is the anticipated, I would like to polish it by eliminating this which space prior to each ‘vmnumber’. Any ideas? if there is a “faster” way to do it is also welcome.

VM Name

\s* is any amount of whitespace. You can replace it with the empty string ‘’. You can try out regex interactively at https://regex101.com.

PS /Users/js> 'Display Name:     VM1' -replace 'Display Name:\s*',''                                                              


You could use the .trimStart() - method to remove leading withespace … if there is trailing withespace as well you could use the .trimEnd() - method. … like this

get-content vm-process.txt  |
ForEach-Object {

thank you both