Powershell Menu - Scripting

I am trying to get a menu working that works through multiple selectors and based on the selector that is chosen, I want a specific task to happen for each choice. I have built the following below however, I don’t know how I can achieve what I am looking to do. Essentially for every option selected, I want a txt file to be populated by an ArrayList. So if options 1,2,2,1,1 are selected in that order, I want Powershell to look into the corresponding array lists for those options and extract the values in those arrays and insert them into 1 .txt file on the user’s desktop. Is there anyone that can help guide me in building this, or know of a site where I can pay someone to do it for me? Code below:

Function Menu ($MenuStart, $MenuEnd, $MenuName, $MenuFunctionName, $MenuOption1, $MenuFunction1, $MenuOption2, $MenuFunction2)
        Write-Host “`n$MenuName`n” -Fore Green;
        if($MenuOption1 -ne $null){Write-Host “`t`t$MenuOption1” -Fore Magenta;}
        if($MenuOption2 -ne $null){Write-Host “`t`t$MenuOption2” -Fore magenta;}

       [int]$MenuOption = Read-Host “`n`t`tPlease select an option”
            if(($MenuOption -lt $MenuStart) -or ($MenuOption -gt $MenuEnd))
            Write-Host “`t`nPlease select one of the options available.`n” -Fore Red;start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            Invoke-Expression $MenuFunctionName
                if($MenuOption -eq $MenuStart) {Invoke-Expression $MenuFunction1}
                if($MenuOption -eq ($MenuStart + "1")) {Invoke-Expression $MenuFunction2}
                if($MenuOption -eq ($MenuStart + "2")) {Invoke-Expression $MenuFunction3}   
######################Arrays for Each Category###################

$DefaultGroups = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" 
$DefaultGroups.Add("TestGroup1 -- Security Group")
$DefaultGroups.Add("TestGroup2 -- Security Group")
$DefaultGroups.Add("TestGroup3 -- Distribution Group")

$NewPerson_SectionB = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
$NewPerson_SectionB.Add("TestGroup4 -- Security Group")
$NewPerson_SectionB.Add("TestGroup5  -- Security Group")
$NewPerson_SectionB.Add("TestGroup6  -- Distribution Group")
$NewPerson_SectionB.Add("TestGroup7  -- Distribution Group")

$NewPerson_SectionC = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
$NewPerson_SectionC.Add("TestGroup8 -- Security Group")

$NewPerson_SectionC_D = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
$NewPerson_SectionC_D.Add("TestGroup9 -- Security Group")

$NewPerson_SectionC_E = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
$NewPerson_SectionC_E.Add("Testgroup10 -- Security Group")

$NewPerson_SectionF = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
$NewPerson_SectionF.Add("TestGroup11-- Organizational Mailbox")

$FinalizedList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" 


function ExampleOrgMENU_HOME
Menu 1 2 "Example Organization In-Processing - Baseline Permissions Identifier Tool - Please advise if you are using this tool for In-Processing" ExampleOrgMENU_HOME "1. Yes" In-Processing "2. No" ExampleOrgMENU_HOME 
##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to be populated with my collections from my $defaultgroups array list and continue down to the next question based off of user input##

##In-Processing Menu##
function In-Processing
Menu 1 2 "Please select whether you are a newperson section B or newperson section C" In-Processing "1. newperson section B" new person_section_B "2. newperson section C" newperson_section_C

##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and continue down to the next question based off of user input##

###newperson_section_B Menu##

function newperson_section_B
Menu 1 2 "Please select option 1 to finish this process and continue your document" newperson_section_B "1. Please export my $finalizedlist array output to my desktop on a .txt file named document Groups" Finalize_Function "2. Exit to the beginning of the script" ExampleOrgMENU_HOME
 ##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and then export the list to a txt file on the userprofile desktop##

###newperson_section_C Menu##

function newperson_section_C
Menu 1 2 "Please select whether you are newperson section C-D or newperson section C-E " newperson_section_C "1. newperson section C-D" newperson_section_C_D "2. newperson section C-E"  newperson_section_C_E 
 ##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and then continue to the next menu##

###newperson_section_C_E Menu##

function newperson_section_C_E
Menu 1 2 "Are you going to be a newperson section C-E-F?"newperson_section_C_E "1. Yes" newperson_section_C_E_F "2. No, Please export my $finalizedlist array output to my desktop on a .txt file named document Groups" Finalize_Function
##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and then export the list to a txt file on the userprofile desktop if they select option 2, however if they select option 1 I want to update the $finalized array with the groups neccesary and then continue to the next menu## 

##newperson_section_C_D Menu##

function newperson_section_C_D
Menu 1 2 "Please select option 1 to finish this process and continue your document" newperson_section_C_D "1. Please export my $finalizedlist array output to my desktop on a .txt file named document Groups" Finalize_Function "2. Exit to the beginning of the script" ExampleOrgMENU_HOME
 ##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and then export the list to a txt file on the userprofile desktop if option 1 is selected##

###newperson_section_C_E_F Menu##

function newperson_section_C_E_F
Menu 1 2 "Please select option 1 to finish this process and continue your document" newperson_section_C_E_F "1. Please export my $finalizedlist array output to my desktop on a .txt file named document Groups" Finalize_Function "2. Exit to the beginning of the script" ExampleOrgMENU_HOME
 ##At the is point I want my $FinalizedList array to have new entries added from my array list dependant on the response of the individual and then export the list to a txt file on the userprofile desktop if option 1 is selected## 

Welcome to the forum. :wave:t3:

That’s a lot of code to review and it does not even run without errors. :smirk:

You may take a look to the cmdlet

or - if you like to keep the console visuals you may use the cmdlet

With each of these cmdlets you can offer a list of choices and the user of your script can select multiple options at once without the need of cascaded list of individual choices.

If you’re willing to do it yourself we can try to push you to right path and help you with the obsticles you find on this way.

If you liek to hire someone I’d recommend to look for a trained IT professional around your region.


Another nice approach für user interactions in PowerShell scripts is to use the dotNet method PromptForChoice. Here you can read more about: