I’m hoping someone can help me change a string of code from working with one site to another.
this is what I have working for one site:
$InputLinksFile = "c:\temp\InputLinks.txt"
$OutputLinksFile = "C:\temp\OutputLinks.txt"
$InputLinks = @()
$BasePage = "https://www.fanfiction.net/tv/Buffy-The-Vampire-Slayer/?&srt=2&lan=1&r=10&p="
[int]$FirstPageNumber = "600"
[int]$LastPageNumber = "601"
$CurrentPageNumber = $FirstPageNumber
# Make a list of all the pages we want to input, counting from FirstPageNumber to LastPageNumber
while ($CurrentPageNumber -le $LastPageNumber) {
$InputLinks += "$BasePage$CurrentPageNumber"
# If you want to manually input a list of pages instead, remove # in front of the next line:
$InputLinks = Get-Content -Path $InputLinksFile
ForEach ($InputLink in $InputLinks) {
# Fetch the entire page. Get links in page with ().Links. Page is compressed with gzip, so we'll have to account for that
$InputPageLinks = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $InputLink -Headers @{"Accept-Encoding"="gzip"}).Links
# Filter the link list to only contain links with the sequence "/1/" in it.
$FilteredOutputLinks = $InputPageLinks | Where-Object {$_.href -like "*/1/*"}
# The provided links are relative and not absolute, so we need to add the domain name to the output
foreach ($OutputLink in $FilteredOutputLinks) {
$FinalLink = "https://fanfiction.net$($Outputlink.href)"
Out-File -Append -FilePath $OutputLinksFile -InputObject $FinalLink
Clear-Variable InputPageLinks
Example link from the new site: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) - Works | Archive of Our Own
And this is the type of links that need to be extracted: The Wish - DragonLdy - Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Archive of Our Own]
I’m hoping someone can help me.