PowerShell and Remote Desktop Services Manager

I am making PowerShell tools for our environment and I need a way of generating a list of terminal servers based on the cluster name with indicates what servers belong to that cluster. Remote Desktop Services Manager on our domain controller has this info, but it isn’t apparent how I can get this info.

I suspect I might have to upgrade PS. Can someone point me in the right direction.

AD server running Remote Desktop Manager
Windows 2008 R2 Standard
Powershell version
ajor Minor Build Revision

2 0 -1 -1

I have looked at current and available modules. The psterminaservices module doesn’t seem to be what I need.

[]: PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents> get-module

ModuleType Name                      ExportedCommands                                                           
---------- ----                      ----------------                                                           
Manifest   psterminalservices        {Get-TSCurrentSession, Get-TSSession, Get-TSProcess, Get-TSServers...}     

[]: PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents> get-module -ListAvailable

ModuleType Name                      ExportedCommands                                                           
---------- ----                      ----------------                                                           
Manifest   psterminalservices        {Get-TSCurrentSession, Get-TSSession, Get-TSProcess, Get-TSServers...}     
Manifest   ActiveDirectory           {}                                                                         
Manifest   ADRMS                     {}                                                                         
Manifest   AppLocker                 {}                                                                         
Manifest   BestPractices             {}                                                                         
Manifest   BitsTransfer              {}                                                                         
Manifest   GroupPolicy               {}                                                                         
Manifest   PSDiagnostics             {}                                                                         
Manifest   PSTerminalServices        {}                                                                         
Manifest   ServerManager             {}                                                                         
Manifest   TroubleshootingPack       {}              

Well, PowerShell v2 is indeed quite old. However, newer versions aren’t how you “get” functionality to connect to different products like RDS. Those features are based on your Windows version, not on PowerShell itself. E.g., an older version of WIndows running a newer version of PowerShell doesn’t necessarily have bunches of new component-related features.

If you’re referring to the third-party “Remote Desktop Manager” tool, you would need to contact its authors regarding PowerShell compatibility. If you’re referring to the native “Remote Desktop Services Manager” GUI tool, then (a) it’s distressing (and an extremely poor practice) that you’re running GUI tools on your domain controller and (b) that GUI tool, to my knowledge, doesn’t offer any PowerShell integration.