PlatyPS: Insert blank line into multi-line text field

Started using PlatyPS, GitHub - PowerShell/platyPS: Write PowerShell External Help in Markdown, to separate help content from source code and notice that blank lines get stripped when using New-ExternalHelp to convert the markdown files to an XML-based help file. Have any of you figured out a way to create blank lines in the multi-line text field?

For example, I’d like to insert a blank line between lines two and three below:

    A PSCustomObject with the type name CSEQLDevice.
        TypeName: CSEQLDevice

        Name         MemberType   Definition
        ----         ----------   ----------
        Equals       Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj) GetHashCode  Method       int GetHashCode()
        GetType      Method       type GetType()
        ToString     Method       string ToString()
        Family       NoteProperty string Family=PS6500
        FreeSpaceGB  NoteProperty int FreeSpaceGB=5249
        GroupName    NoteProperty string GroupName=CATHQEQLGRP
        Name         NoteProperty string Name=CATHQEQL01
        TotalSpaceGB NoteProperty int TotalSpaceGB=32448

But no matter what I do in the markdown files – I can insert a bunch of new lines, even some using Shift and a space key, but the blank lines just get stripped.


### A PSCustomObject with the type name CSEQLDevice.

   TypeName: CSEQLDevice

Name         MemberType   Definition                    
----         ----------   ----------                    
Equals       Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode  Method       int GetHashCode()             
GetType      Method       type GetType()                
ToString     Method       string ToString()             
Family       NoteProperty string Family=PS6500          
FreeSpaceGB  NoteProperty int FreeSpaceGB=5249          
GroupName    NoteProperty string GroupName=CATHQEQLGRP  
Name         NoteProperty string Name=CATHQEQL01        
TotalSpaceGB NoteProperty int TotalSpaceGB=32448

I think that’s a combination of Markdown and the help engine. See Multiline examples don't display as markdown code · Issue #180 · PowerShell/platyPS · GitHub for something similar; it might be worth opening an issue on the repo about this.