Pester - Multiple Values

I am just testing out a statement in Pesterto test multiple values.

The reason why I am doing this is to get the values of DNS Client Server address. I know I will get multiple values so I thought I would write a ‘proof of concept’ test below:

Describe "Test pester test" {
    It "Test multiple strings and contain" {
        $a =  '' , ''
       $a | should contain '' , ''


However what I am finding is that Pester does not accept the string value like what I have listed above.
Is there any way that I can test on multiple values in pester? Or is this not possible? Or another way to test DNS Client Server address?

Thanks for any guidance!

The contain operator checks for file contents. To compare an array with an array, I’d use Compare-Object. Something like this should work:

Describe “Test pester test” {
It “Test multiple strings and contain” {
$expectedValues = ‘’ , ‘’
$actualValues = ‘’,‘192,168.1.235’
Compare-Object $expectedValues $actualValues | should be $null


Could do something like this:

Describe "Test DNS Suffix" {
    $a =  '' , ''
    It "Test contains Primary DNS server" {
       $a -contains '' | Should Be $true
    It "Test contains Secondary DNS server" {
       $a -contains '' | Should Be $true