Parent-Child Relationship with ID Values

Good afternoon, everyone,

I’m facing a stupid problem and I just can’t think of a real solution.
Maybe someone can help me ?

I have a set of data (Sample) in the following format:


The ParentID starts with “Zero”, so Zero is always the top parent relationship.
Below that the ParentID can be = CID to represent another Parent relationship.

I need an output in a format of my choice, I like to use convertTo-Json where I can list a parent-to-child relationship.

I’m hoping for your help.

A thousand thanks.


Above content doens not suffice the requirment to be a valid json. but you can treat each line as a json content the convert it. Do you have any code which you have attempted to acheive your output ?

# Input is not recognized as JSON, so parsing it manually
$myInput = '

# Parse input
$RawRecords = ($myInput.Split('}')).Trim().Replace('{','') | where { $_ }
' '
"Raw records:"
$ParsedRecords = $RawRecords | foreach {
    $Temp = $_.Split(',').Replace('"','')
        $Temp[0].Split(':')[0] = $Temp[0].Split(':')[1]
        $Temp[1].Split(':')[0] = $Temp[1].Split(':')[1]
        $Temp[2].Split(':')[0] = $Temp[2].Split(':')[1]
' '
"Parsed records:"

# Identify Root
$myRoot = $ParsedRecords.ParentID | sort | select -First 1 # Root ID
$myRoot = $ParsedRecords | where ParentID -EQ $myRoot      # Root is the lowest ID parent
' '
"Identified Root (record with lowest parent ID):"

That could be json if it was surrounded by square brackets:

PS C:\> [pscustomobject]@{CID='145';Name='XX=2';ParentID='0'},[pscustomobject]@{CID='2';Name='XX=1';ParentID='1'},[pscustomobject]@{CID=
'9';Name='XX=0';ParentID='8'} | convertto-json

        "CID":  "145",
        "Name":  "XX=2",
        "ParentID":  "0"
        "CID":  "2",
        "Name":  "XX=1",
        "ParentID":  "1"
        "CID":  "9",
        "Name":  "XX=0",
        "ParentID":  "8"

Similar to JS, add the “” and you are good to go.

$array = ‘[
]’ | ConvertFrom-Json

$array | Out-GridView

Good afternoon, everyone.
Thank you very much for the input.

I think I have expressed myself wrongly with my question.
I apologize for this as a matter of urgency.

In advance… The data as input comes out in JSON format, this is no problem.

What I need is some kind of Parent to Child setup.
By this I mean, I have the ParentID and listed below the Childs.

Sort of like that:

Name":"XX-2" (Parent)
- Name":"XX-2.1" (Child)
- Name":"XX-2.2" (Child)

The ParentID starts with “Zero”, so Zero is always the top parent relationship.
Below that the ParentID can be = CID to represent another Parent relationship.

I hope I have now asked a more understandable question.

Thank you again for the effort and support.


You mean this…

]' | 
ConvertFrom-Json) | 
Sort-Object -Property ParentID, Name | 
Select Name, ParentID, CID

# Results

Name   ParentID CID
----   -------- ---
XX-2   0        145
XX-2.1 0        145
XX-2.2 0        145
XX-1   1        2  
XX-0   8        9

# Or this...

$Data =  @'
'@ -replace '{|}'
) | 
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header CID,Name,ParentID | 
Sort-Object -Property ParentID, Name | 
Select Name, ParentID, CID

# Results

Name          ParentID     CID      
----          --------     ---      
Name:"XX-2"   ParentID:"0" CID:"145"
Name:"XX-2.1" ParentID:"0" CID:"145"
Name:"XX-2.2" ParentID:"0" CID:"145"
Name:"XX-1"   ParentID:"1" CID:"2"  
Name:"XX-0"   ParentID:"8" CID:"9"