Outputting variable value

Hi everyone,

I am new to PowerShell so apologies if I don’t explain this clearly. I have a file that contains a list of directories/folders in a CSV. I want to loop over each of those file paths and return the users who have access to that file directory/folders. So far I have the following script:

$csv = import-csv “random_pathway\file.csv”

$csv | foreach-object {
** $folder = $.Folder_Path**
**get-acl $folder | ForEach-Object { $
.Access } | select IdentityReference**

It is returning a list of users which is great however I need to script to return the variable $folder for each row so I know which folder in this list the user has access to.

Current Output


Desired Output

IdentityReference Folder
User1 Folder1
User2 Folder1
User3 Folder2
User4 Folder2
User5 Folder3

I need the 2nd column to output the folder that the script that looped over as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

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You can use a [PSCustomObject] to combine the results of two or more different queries. Something like this hsould do the trick:

$csv = Import-Csv -Path 'random_pathway\file.csv'

$csv | 
ForEach-Object {
    $ACLList = Get-Acl $_.Folder_Path
    foreach ($ACL in $ACLList) {
            Folder = $_.Folder_Path
            User   = $ACL.Access.IdentityReference
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HI Olaf,

Thank you so much this is really helpful.

Much appreciated :slight_smile:


Could I ask one more question. The script works fine and returns the information I need however when I export the data to a csv it is truncating the string in each row and is returning … I had a quick google, apparently -AutoSize is supposed to return all the data in the output but the rows are still be truncated, any solutions?

$csv = Import-Csv -Path "random_pathway\file.csv"
$csv | 
ForEach-Object {
    $ACLList = Get-Acl $_.Folder_Path
    foreach ($ACL in $ACLList) {
            Folder = $_.Folder_Path
            Owner = $_.Owner
            User   = $ACL.Access.IdentityReference
} |Format-Table Folder, Owner, User -AutoSize  | Out-File "random_pathway\output_file.csv"

Thanks in advance.

You’re not exporting CSV, you are creating custom string output. Remove the format table and out file commands and instead use select-object to grab the desired properties and pipe that to export-csv

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