Output Help

I have become decent at finding the AD data I need but when it comes to creating a spreadsheet with the information I find my knowledge totally inadequate to do what I want to do. I am hoping for some quick help and some helpful URL’s.

    When I run "Get-aduser MyID -Properties * | FL Name, Memberof " the memberof field has over 100 entries in curly braces separated by commas.
  I would like to end up with a spreadsheet with my name in one column and then another column of the 100+ groups, then the next users name, his groups etc.

I have looked at Format-List, and tried Exportto-csv with no luck, what is the best way to do this?

Thanks for any help you can provide,

That’s because MemberOf is a collection of objects, not just a simple value; when asked to display a collection in a list or table, PowerShell can’t create a sub-list or sub-table, so it does the curly bracket thing.

There’s no straightforward way to get what you want using what’s built into the shell. You’d have to code up something custom.

Get-aduser MyID -Properties memberof |
Select-Object Name,@{n='groups';e={
		$_.memberof -join "`r`n"
	}} |
Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path c:\test.csv
See if that is closer to what you want.
Get-aduser MyID -Properties memberof |
ForEach-Object {
	$name = $_.name
	$_.memberof |
	ForEach-Object {
} |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path c:\test.csv
Or something like this.

Ugly, but it works…

Calculated Expression
Loop through MemberOf
Split the CN into an array
Get the first index (e.g. CN=MyGroup)
Replace CN= with nothing, basically strip off CN=
And finally Join the returned array with a semicolon…

Get-ADUser myuser -Properties MemberOf | Select Name, @{Label="Groups";Expression={$($_.MemberOf | foreach{($_.Split(",")[0].Replace("CN=",""))}) -Join ";"}}


Name        Groups                                                                         
----        ------                                                                         
My User Group1;Group2;Group3;Group4;...

Thanks Don. I just purchased your PS in 30 days of lunches; does that include how I might handle this?

Output has a little extra info, how do I trim it down?

Name Dan, Lee
Group CN=g-cae-NetworkEng-readers,OU=Roles,DC=up,DC=corp,DC=upc
Name Dan, Lee
Group CN=g-jar-read,OU=Roles,DC=up,DC=corp,DC=upc