Output format for service starttime query

Hey guys -
Forgive the PS noob question. I am struggling thru self learning PowerShell scripting. I finally got this remote command syntax corrected. The objective is to see a service up time on a remote server. I changed the server name and service name for this example. Here is the command -

Invoke-Command -ComputerName server {New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Process winlogon).StartTime}

to which I get this sample output -
Days : 0
Hours : 12
Minutes : 49
Seconds : 20
Milliseconds : 850
Ticks : 461608503901
TotalDays : 0.534269101737268
TotalHours : 12.8224584416944
TotalMinutes : 769.347506501667
TotalSeconds : 46160.8503901
TotalMilliseconds : 46160850.3901
PSComputerName : servername

All of this information is fine, but too much for my purposes. All I want is the days, hours minutes, and PSComputername. I am not interested in writing this output to a file. I just want the details at a higher level. What do I need to add to the command to get the desired output?

I appreciate your attention

Can you use Select to just choose the bits you want?

I would imagine. I hadn’t thought of that. I’m just not sure of the syntax or position it’s placed in. I struggled for a few days with this command line before I realized I needed the {} on either side of the last section.