Out-GridView missing data (isn't visible)


I have a script which provides disk space in a bulk computers, but… the % column is missing the data, it’s appears as empty column. at the ISE console its shown well.

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\servers.txt) -Filter DriveType=3 | 
    Select-Object systemname,DeviceID, 
        @{'Name' = 'Size (GB)'; 'Expression' = { [string]::Format('{0:N0}', [math]::truncate($_.size / 1GB)) } }, 
        @{'Name' = 'Free (GB)'; 'Expression' = { [string]::Format('{0:N0}', [math]::truncate($_.freespace / 1GB))}},
        @{'Name' = '(%)'; 'Expression' = { [string]::Format('{0:P}',  $_.freespace / $_.Size )}} | Out-GridView

Gridview seems to have a problem with the name of the column. It works for me this way:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\servers.txt) -Filter DriveType=3 |
Select-Object -Property systemname, DeviceID,
@{Name = 'Size (GB)'; Expression = { [string]::Format('{0:N0}', [math]::truncate($_.size / 1GB)) } },
@{Name = 'Free (GB)'; Expression = { [string]::Format('{0:N0}', [math]::truncate($_.freespace / 1GB)) } },
@{Name = 'Free (%)';  Expression = { [string]::Format('{0:P}', $_.freespace / $_.Size ) } } | 

Yes! worked well, thanks.