Object-String-Complexity - Getting a String from CmdLet Get-MailBoxPermission

Dear PowerShell community,

my first question here. :slight_smile: I wrote the code below (it’s a part of the whole code), but first let me tell you my problem:

I need to get members of a mailbox. So it works fine until i have to work with the result, because I get all objects with permissions to use the mailbox. The company prefix result is COMPLUIS, but COMPLUIS- is needed. So I do a forEach circuit to read the object once after once, format each object into string and replace the character in the suitable corresponding. But: PowerShell now delivers me the following result:




Well, my question is: How it’s possible to get the only needed vaule in $helpvar like COMPLUIS-AnnonymousA, nothing else, just a String, not an object?

Thank you! :slight_smile:


$membersOfExchange =@()
$membersOfExchange = Get-MailBoxPermission -Identity $var | Select-Object -Property User | Where-Object { $_.User -match “COMPLUIS” }

foreach ($member in $membersOfExchange) {

$helpvar = $member | Out-String
read-host “STOP”

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $var -User $helpvar -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -Confirm:$false
Remove-ADPermission -Identity $var -User $helpvar -ExtendedRight Send-As -InheritanceType All -Confirm:$false




Each object in Powershell has a default output defined for it, (even it is the one inherited from the Object class), and that is what the console uses to determine how to dump the object to the console host. This same default is used when passing the object down the pipeline to something that requires a string as input, including Out-String. Since you are pushing $member to Out-String, that cmdlet is taking the default output for that object and converting it all to a single string. In this case, the default output of the Deserialized.Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.MailboxAcePresentationObject object created by the Get-MailboxPermission cmdlet is to dump all of the selected attributes to the console using a table format where the headers are the attribute names.

PS C:\> Get-MailboxPermission user1

Identity             User                 AccessRights                                                IsInherited Deny
--------             ----                 ------------                                                ----------- ----
domain.com/People... NT AUTHORITY\SELF    {FullAccess, ReadPermission}                                False       False

In your code, each $member object in the foreach loop actually is an object with a User attribute, and when you dump it to the console, it includes the attribute header:

PS C:\> $membersOfExchange[0] | Get-Member

   TypeName: Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject

Name        MemberType   Definition
----        ----------   ----------
Equals      Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method       int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method       type GetType()
ToString    Method       string ToString()
User        NoteProperty string User=NT AUTHORITY\SELF

PS C:\> $membersOfExchange[0]


So, all of that to say that your “$helpvar = $member | Out-String” line is taking all of that text including the header and converting it to a single string of text and that is what messes up the rest of the script for you.

How do you fix it?
Don’t convert the object to a string, and then reference the User attribute of the object.

$membersOfExchange =@()
$membersOfExchange = Get-MailBoxPermission -Identity $var | Select-Object -Property User
foreach ($member in $membersOfExchange) {
    $helpvar = $member

Also, you aren’t assigning the output of the Replace function to any variable, so when you reference $helpvar after executing the Replace, you are actually looking at the variable without the changes. You need to assign the output to a variable and then use the new variable in your Remove-MailboxPermission and Remove-ADPermission cmdlets.

$membersOfExchange =@()
$membersOfExchange = Get-MailBoxPermission -Identity $var | Where-Object { $_.User -match "COMPLUIS" }
foreach ($member in $membersOfExchange) {
    $helpvar = $member.User.Replace("\","-")
    Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $var -User $helpvar -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -Confirm:$false
    Remove-ADPermission -Identity $var -User $helpvar -ExtendedRight Send-As -InheritanceType All -Confirm:$false

EDIT: More information on the default output view mechanism: Out-Default (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs. I was close, but not quite right on…

Hello Charles D,

thank you very much! You helped me so muck doing this right! Have a good day! :slight_smile:
