New-LocalUser Not Working

I get the error message below when I try to create a new local user.

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How to format code in <---- Click :point_up_2:t4: :wink:

Have you tried to run the command in Windows PowerShell?

Greetings Olaf:

My apologies for my violation. I tried clicking the “How to format code in” and I got an error 403.

PowerShell 7.2.6
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS C:\Windows\System32> new-localuser -name 'bob'

cmdlet New-LocalUser at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
New-LocalUser: Could not load type 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Telemetry.Internal.TelemetryAPI' from assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
PS C:\Windows\System32>

I quote myself:

Does it need to run in version 7?

Yes, it needs to run in version 7.

I cannot reproduce your error. I just tried it and it works just as expected. It may be an issue with your particular system. You may try it on another system. :man_shrugging:t4:

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