Hey guys.
I have a server that previously ran only Windows PowerShell. I’ve recently loaded PWSH 7.3.3 but it only shows the bare minimum modules. The module path looks good. What am I missing?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Hey guys.
I have a server that previously ran only Windows PowerShell. I’ve recently loaded PWSH 7.3.3 but it only shows the bare minimum modules. The module path looks good. What am I missing?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Try to manually load a module that is not loaded. See if there is an error
Use Import-Module
Thanks. It says there’s no valid module file, even though it’s in the $psmodulepath. It’s like it’s not reading the variable.
What happens with this command in both versions changing EpectedModule for the module failing to load:
Get-Module -ListAvailable *ExpectedModule*
You can also get the path and compare in both versions:
(Get-Module -ListAvailable *EpectedModule*).Path
As a side note, I can load modules in both versions without issues.
I’ve never had this issue either, but I’ve just been updating most systems since v7.0. I’ll double-check the environment variable and make sure there’s nothing weird in there.
Double check where the module is. Windows Powershell and Powershell core have different module paths