New-ADUser question


I have a script that creates new AD User. But, when I open the account in AD, and go to the “Account” tab, I can see the “User logon name” is correct, but there’s a drop down menu to the right of it where it’s blank.

I want it to say “”, how would I do that?

Thank you,


One more question,

so my user’s account name is bbobertson.

When I search AD for bbobertson, it displays bbobertson, how would I make it display Bob Bobertson?

For your 1st question: you may show your script. Maybe there is something missing.
For your 2nd question - try this:

Get-ADUser -Identity bbobertson | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName

Thank you,

$Sam_Account_Name = "bbobertson"
$Employee_Names = "Bob Bobertson"

New-ADUser $Sam_Account_Name -Title $Job_Title -GivenName $First_Name -Surname $Last_Name -DisplayName $Employee_Names -SamAccountName $Sam_Account_Name -UserPrincipalName $Sam_Account_Name -AccountPassword $AccountPassword -Enabled $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true
Set-ADUser $Sam_Account_Name -EmailAddress $Sam_Account_Name"" -Description $Description -Office $Office -OfficePhone $OfficePhone -StreetAddress $StreetAddress -City $City -State $State -PostalCode $Zipcode -Fax $Fax -Department $Department -Company $Company -Manager $Manager -HomeDrive 'H:' -HomeDirectory $HomeDirectory

If I’m not wrong you cannot use the sAMAccaountName as the UserPrincipalName. Here you can see the naming restrictions for the UPN: User Naming Attributes. It has to have a ‘prefix’ and a ‘suffix’

I have “Bob Bobertson” as the UserPrincipalName, and when I run

Get-ADUser bboberson | select-object UserPrincipalName
, I can see it says Bob Boberson

Still, when I search AD for Bob Boberston, it’s displaying as bbobertson

You need to set the Name to be Bob Boberson

-Name “$first_name $last_name”

to the New-ADUser statement

Your UPN is also wrong it should something like

-UserPrincipalName “$

Thank you,

I have the UPN, and it’s applying it to the domain.

I tried -Name “$First_Name $Last_Name”, but it’s showing the message below.

Set-ADUser : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘Name’.

Some other tips. You should consider using splatting and need to add basic error handling:

$newUsrParams = @{
    Name = ("{0} {1}" -f $First_Name, $Last_Name)
    Title = $Job_Title 
    GivenName =$First_Name 
    Surname = $Last_Name 
    DisplayName = $Employee_Names 
    SamAccountName = $Sam_Account_Name 
    UserPrincipalName = "{0}" -f $Sam_Account_Name 
    AccountPassword = $AccountPassword 
    Enabled = $true 
    ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true
    ErrorAction = "Stop"

try {
    New-ADUser @newUserParams
catch {
    "There was an issue creating {0}. {1}" -f $Sam_Account_Name, $_

Thank you Rob, I’m new to powershell, I should really sit down and learn it. I’m just using Google, YouTube, and this forum for now.

I did the splatting and try & catch, but now getting this, not sure what I’m doing wrong.

There was an issue creating BobB. The name provided is not a properly formed account name

$New_User_Info = @{

            Name = ("{0} {1}" -f $First_Name, $Last_Name)
            SamAccountName = $Sam_Account_Name 
            Title = $Job_Title 
            GivenName = $First_Name 
            Surname  = $Last_Name 
            DisplayName = $Employee_Names 
            UserPrincipalName = "{0}" -f $Sam_Account_Name
            AccountPassword = $AccountPassword 
            Enabled = $true 
            ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true
            EmailAddress = "$" 
            Description = $Description 
            Office = $Office 
            OfficePhone = $OfficePhone 
            StreetAddress = $StreetAddress 
            City = $City 
            State = $State 
            PostalCode = $Zipcode 
            Fax = $Fax
            Department = $Department
            Company = $Company
            Manager = $Manager
            HomeDrive = 'H:'
            HomeDirectory = $HomeDirectory

            New-ADUser @$New_User_Info                  
            "There was an issue creating {0}. {1}" -f $Sam_Account_Name, $_

Well … Google and Youtube are not the worst places to start but maybe you should do it with a little structure. Here you can find some great places to start:

Beginner Sites And Tutorials

Have it dump $New_User_Info when you get an error. That way you can see what you tried to do and will likely lead you to your error.

Thanks, I have $New_User_Info, and it’s saying this below. Everything looks correct to me, not sure why it’s not creating the account now.

There was an issue creating BobB. The name provided is not a properly formed account name

Name Value

AccountPassword System.Security.SecureString
Description Chester
Name BobB
SamAccountName BobB
HomeDrive H:
ErrorAction Stop
DisplayName Bob Bobertson
Office Chester 5002
GivenName Bob

First, this is a big task for a first script. There are a lot of other things you’ll need to check like if a user exists before you create them. If you run the following:

Get-Help New-ADUser -Full

Each command has a certain amount of parameters. If you try passing parameters the command isn’t expecting, you’re going to get an error. So, run the command above to see the parameters for New-ADUser and those are the only items that should be contained in the splat. If you start with this and see if the account creates successfully:

$First_Name = "Bob"
$Last_Name = "Bobertson"
$Sam_Account_Name = "{0}{1}" -f $First_Name.Substring(0,1), $Last_Name
$Friendly_Name = ("{0} {1}" -f $First_Name, $Last_Name)
$Job_Title = "Accounting Analyst I"
$AccountPassword = "P@ssword1" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

$newUsrParams = @{
    Name = $Friendly_Name
    Title = $Job_Title 
    GivenName =$First_Name 
    Surname = $Last_Name 
    DisplayName = $Friendly_Name 
    SamAccountName = $Sam_Account_Name 
    UserPrincipalName = "{0}" -f $Sam_Account_Name 
    AccountPassword = $AccountPassword 
    Enabled = $true 
    ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true
    ErrorAction = "Stop"

try {
    $newUser = New-ADUser @newUsrParams
catch {
    "There was an issue creating {0}. {1}" -f $Sam_Account_Name, $_

Once you get that code working, then you need to add your Set-ADUser command to update additional attributes:

$First_Name = "Bob"
$Last_Name = "Bobertson"
$Sam_Account_Name = "{0}{1}" -f $First_Name.Substring(0,1), $Last_Name
$Friendly_Name = ("{0} {1}" -f $First_Name, $Last_Name)
$Job_Title = "Accounting Analyst I"
$AccountPassword = "P@ssword1" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

$newUsrParams = @{
    Name = $Friendly_Name
    Title = $Job_Title 
    GivenName =$First_Name 
    Surname = $Last_Name 
    DisplayName = $Friendly_Name 
    SamAccountName = $Sam_Account_Name 
    UserPrincipalName = "{0}" -f $Sam_Account_Name 
    AccountPassword = $AccountPassword 
    Enabled = $true 
    ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true
    ErrorAction = "Stop"

$setUsrParams = @{
    Department = "Accounting"
    ErrorAction = "Stop"

try {
    $newUser = New-ADUser @newUsrParams
    try {
        $newUser | Set-ADUser $setUsrParams
    catch {
        "There was an issue setting attributes on user {0}. {1}" -f $Sam_Account_Name, $_
catch {
    "There was an issue creating {0}. {1}" -f $Sam_Account_Name, $_

Do one small chunk at a time and make sure it works before trying to set 40 attributes. Update a couple, validate it worked and then keep adding them until all attributes are updated.

Thanks again Rob. I’ll try doing that.

The data dump looks ok, but I’ll echo @Rob’s suggestion to trim out everything that isn’t essential to creating the account. Your name/samaccountname fields look ok, but perhaps they contain leading/trailing spaces? Also, are you editing the output, or is your domain name really Make sure the upn is a proper one, again, with no extra spaces.

Thank you all,

I have it working now. Appreciate everyone’s help and hints.