I have this code:
$SearchBaseOU = "DC=company,DC=com"
$DL_Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq "Distribution"' -SearchBase $SearchBaseOU
$groups = $DL_Groups
$gm = @()
foreach ($group in $groups){
$gm += Get-ADGroupMember $group -Recursive |
where {$_.objectclass -eq 'user'}
Write-output "Total: $(($gm.samaccountname | select -Unique).count)"
…but instead of getting every group in my domain, I only want groups (and/or Nested groups) that have >50 members before I filter for unique names.
Where would I insert that restricted requirement?
The group name isn’t being captured. Get that first and then use Group-Object:
$SearchBaseOU = "DC=company,DC=com"
$DL_Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq "Distribution"' -SearchBase $SearchBaseOU
$groups = $DL_Groups
$gm = foreach ($group in $groups){
Get-ADGroupMember $group -Recursive |
where {$_.objectclass -eq 'user'} |
Select *, @{Name='GroupName';Expression={$group}}
$gmGrouped = $gm |
Group-Object -Property GroupName |
Where{$_.Count -ge 50} |
Select-Object Name, Count, @{Name='CountUnique';Expression={($_.Group | Select-Object SamAccountName -Unique).Count}}
Not tested, but should be close