need to get the full name of an object

Hi all,

i am running the below command and getting the output like this.

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-ncaggr

Name State TotalSize Used Available Disks RaidType RaidSize Volumes

aggr0 online 3.0 TB 95% 148.3 GB 3 raid_dp, normal 23 1
aggr0_xxxxxxxxxxx2_02_0 online 3.0 TB 95% 148.3 GB 3 raid_dp, normal 23 1
xxxxxxxxxxx2_01_ssd_ag… online 44.0 TB 42% 25.7 TB 16 raid_dp, normal 23 8

how to get the full name of the aggr name instead of … if it’s long name.

To see every property produced by the cmdlet you can use

get-ncaggr | Select-Object -Property *
and then you can choose whatever you need

get-ncaggr | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

