Need to append some data of 1 csv to another

I want to read 2 csv file in 1 I have some data which I want to append to another file using powershell how can I do it

It depends on the data in the two files.
If they both have the same columns you can give more than one path to Import-CSV like this:
[pre]Import-Csv -Path ‘.\FirstFile.csv’, ‘SecondFile.csv’ | Export-Csv -Path .\Export.csv -NoTypeInformation[/pre]

If you want to join files with different columns in it gets a bit trickier. I searched the web for “powershell join csv files” and this was the first result: Merge CSV files or PSObjects in PowerShell - Svendsen Tech

@simon that was helpful but I want to merge two file which do not have any thing in common I have 1 file which have machine details n other 1 is some report of the same machine
So I want these machine details to be appended on 2nd file
but only in top row no repetitions

Please consider that scenario

It sounds like you are trying to create a report. Take a look at the free eBook under Resources > Free eBook > Creating HTML Reports in PowerShell . You might also want to look at the “Ditch Excel” eBook as well.

I saw it ROB But my requirement is only csv file can you help on that
please if you can

$subid=(Get-AzureSubscription -Current).SubscriptionId
$subscriptionname= (Get-AzureSubscription -Current).SubscriptionName
Select-AzureSubscription $subscriptionname

$storagename =“pchealth”
$clustername= “pchealth”

$key1=(Get-AzureStorageKey $storagename).Primary
$context=New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storagename -StorageAccountKey $key1

$containername = “pchealth”

Get-AzureStorageBlob -Context $context -Container $containername

$FolderWithComputerName = (Get-Item -Path D:* | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer}|sort LastWriteTime -Descending | select -First 1).Name

$FolderName = (Get-ChildItem -Path “D:$FolderWithComputerName” |Where-object {$_.PSIsContainer} |sort LastWriteTime -Descending| select -First 1).Name

$FileList1 = Get-ChildItem D:$FolderWithComputerName$FolderName | sort LastWriteTime | select -Last 11

$MakeFileName = (Get-Childitem -Path “D:$FolderWithComputerName” |sort LastWriteTime -Descending|Select -Last 1| Where-Object {$_.Name -match “Make”}).Name

For($i=0;$i -lt $FileList1.count;$i++)
$csv = Import-Csv -Path D:$FolderWithComputerName$MakeFileName
$columns = $csv | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty

foreach( $c in $columns )
foreach( $row in $csv )
    $newcsv = Import-Csv D:\$FolderWithComputerName\$FolderName\$filetoupdate
    $newCsv| Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $c.Name -Value $row.$( $c.Name ) -force
    $newCsv | Export-Csv -Path D:\$FolderWithComputerName\$FolderName\$filetoupdate


This is the solution

Looking through what you are trying to accomplish, I still see a lot of potential issues like if another file has multiple rows and another does not, but for proof of concept, here is how I tested this:

#CSV’s in “source” directory had the following format in Dir 1

"Computer1", "Jim"

#Dir2 had two files with two different data sets

"Marketing", "1234"

"blah", "foo"

I processed these files with the following code:

#Get CSV's in source directory
$dir1 = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Temp\Dir1\* -Include *.csv -File
#Get CSV's that will append to source files
$dir2 = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Temp\Dir2\* -Include *.csv -File

#for each file in the source...
foreach ($file in $dir1) {
    #Import the CSV
    $dir1CSV = Import-CSV -Path $file.FullName
    #for each file in directory that will append to source
    foreach ($csv in $dir2) {
        #Import the file that will be appended
        $dir2Csv = Import-CSV -Path $csv.FullName
        #for each property in that file
        foreach($prop in $dir2Csv.PSObject.Properties) { 
            #Append the properties to the source data
            $dir1CSV | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop.Name -Value $prop.Value -Force
     $dir1CSV | Format-Table -AutoSize
     #$dir1CSV | Export-CSV C:\TEmp\NewFIleFormat.csv -NoTypeInformation

which resulted in:

ComputerName User Deparment EmpID MoreData SomeMoreData
------------ ---- --------- ----- -------- ------------
Computer1    Jim  Marketing 1234  blah     foo         

ComputerName User  Deparment EmpID MoreData SomeMoreData
------------ ----  --------- ----- -------- ------------
Computer5    Sally Marketing 1234  blah     foo