Need help in fixing the powershell script

This is the script basically written to fetch the data from a single csv file for backup and issue that we are facing is the script gets executed but we are not able to find the file under C:\temp. Can you please help us in fixing this issue.

Function Set-abcBackup {





Begin {
$Folder = "$Filepath\Backup_Files"

If(!(Test-Path $Folder)) {

    mkdir $Folder -Force | Out-Null


$latestfile = Get-ChildItem "$Filepath\*.csv" | ? {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Date}

$filefullname = ($latestfile).FullName

Process {
Get-Content $filefullname | select -Skip 22 > "$Folder\RemovedColumns.csv"

$Getdata = Import-Csv "$Folder\RemovedColumns.csv"

$Getdata | Export-Csv "$Folder\RemovedColumnsModified.csv" -NoTypeInformation

$Newdata = Import-Csv "$Folder\RemovedColumnsModified.csv"

$count = 0
Foreach($data in $newdata) {

    If($data.Client -notlike "Client") {$count1 = $count++}

    Else {$count1 = $count

$count2 = $count1+1

$count2 -as [int] | Out-Null

Get-Content "$Folder\RemovedColumnsModified.csv" | select -Skip $count2 > "$Folder\Backup1.csv"

$AllFiles = Import-Csv "$Folder\Backup1.csv"

Foreach($file in $AllFiles) {

    $Client = $file.Client
    $Agent = $file.Agent
    $Status = $file.Status
    $BackupSet = $file.'Backup Set'
    $StartTime = $file.'Start Time'
    $Type = $file.Type
    $EndTime = $file.'End Time or Current Phase'
    $ScanType = $file.'Scan Type'

If(($Client -notlike "*Protect*") -and ($Client -notlike "*Notes:*") -and ($Client -notlike "*Job*") -and ($Client -notlike "*#*") -and ($Client -notlike "*Sysbase*") -and ($Client -notlike "*Client*") -and ($Client -notlike "*SP_abc*") -and ($Client -notlike "*All*") -and ($Client -notlike "*4*") -and ($Client -notlike $null)){

$Client1 = $Client }

If(($Status -like "*Comple*") -or ($Status -like "*Fail*")){$Status1 = $Status}

If(($StartTime -notlike $null) -and ($StartTime -notlike "*N/A*") -and ($StartTime -notlike "*Current*") -and ($StartTime -notlike "*Out of*") -and ($StartTime -notlike "*Not*") -and ($StartTime -notlike "*VM Gue*")){$StartTime1 = $StartTime}

If(($EndTime -notlike $null) -and ($EndTime -notlike "*Operating*") -and ($EndTime -notlike "*Linux*") -and ($EndTime -notlike "*CentOS*") -and ($EndTime -notlike "*Microsoft*") -and ($EndTime -notlike "*N/A*")){$EndTime1 = $EndTime}

If(($Agent -notlike $null) -and ($Agent -notlike "*Virtual Ser*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*Active Dir*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*Apps*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*File System*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*Machine*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*SQL ser*") -and ($Agent -notlike "*Oracle*")) {$Agent1 = $Agent}

If(($BackupSet -like "*Comple*") -or ($BackupSet -like "*Fail*")){$BackupSet1 = $BackupSet}

If(($Type -notlike $null) -and ($Type -notlike "*INCR*") -and ($Type -notlike "*SYN*") -and ($Type -notlike "*Log*") -and ($Type -notlike "*FULL*") -and ($Type -notlike "*Start Ti*")){$Type1 = $Type}

If(($ScanType -notlike $null) -and ($ScanType -notlike "*Classic*") -and ($ScanType -notlike "*Scan*") -and ($ScanType -notlike "*N/A*") -and ($ScanType -notlike "*N/A*") -and ($ScanType -notlike "*End Ti*")){$ScanType1 = $ScanType}

$PSObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $Client1
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BackupStatus" -Value $Status1
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $StartTime1
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EndTime" -Value $EndTime1
$PSObject | Export-Csv "$Folder\FirstPart.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force -Append
$PSObject1 = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $Agent1 -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BackupStatus" -Value $BackupSet1 -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $Type1 -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EndTime" -Value $ScanType1 -Force
$PSObject1 | Export-Csv "$Folder\SecondPart.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force -Append

$csv1 = Import-Csv "$Folder\FirstPart.csv"
$csv2 = Import-Csv "$Folder\SecondPart.csv"
$merge = $csv1 + $csv2 
$merge | select -Property * -Unique | Export-Csv "$Folder\xyz_Backup_Final.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force

$File = Import-Csv "$Folder\xyz_Backup_Final.csv"

$File | % {
$Name = $_.Name
$Operation = "Backup"
$Client = "xyz"
$BStatus = $_.BackupStatus
$End = $_.EndTime
$Start = $_.StartTime
$End_Time = [DateTime]::Parse($end)
$Start_Time = [DateTime]::Parse($start) 
$_.starttime = ($Start_Time).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
$_.endtime= ($End_Time).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
$ST = $_.StartTime
$ET = $_.EndTime
$duration = $Total_Duration.tostring("hh':'mm':'ss")

$PSObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $Name
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Operation" -Value $Operation
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BackupStatus" -Value $BStatus
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Client" -Value $Client
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $ST
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EndTime" -Value $ET
Add-Member -InputObject $PSObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Duration" -Value $duration
$PSObject | Export-Csv "$Folder\xyz_Backup.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation -Append


End {
Move-Item -Path "$Folder\xyz_Backup.csv" -Destination "C:\Temp\xyz_Backup.csv" -Force

Del $Folder -Recurse -Force

#Get-ChildItem $Filepath -Filter "*.csv" | Remove-Item -Force

Set-abcBackup -Filepath "C:\Path\To\CSV" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Well, can yo format the code, it’ll look good and more readable when formatted. Please go though below post for instructions.

PS: You can edit the same post.

Let’s cover the basics:

  1. Your script doesn't create C:\Temp and it's not a normal system directory. Does that directory already exist?
  2. Does the user executing the script have permission to write to C:\Temp?
  3. Do you receive any error messages when the script executes?
  4. Have you tried running the script with debugging enabled?
  5. Have you performed any troubleshooting steps already? For instance, have you checked any of the variable storage steps to see if there are actual values stored in the variables?