Need help fixing script, struck since 4 hrs

can someone help me with below

# Specify the server name(s) to check
$ctxservers = Get-ADComputer -Filter { Name -like "*app*" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$serverNames = $ctxservers | ? { $_ -like "appusa*" }

# Specify the KB numbers of the patches you want to check
$kbNumbers = "5002197", "5002254", "5000121"

# Initialize an array to store the results
$results = @()

# Loop through each server and KB number and check if the patch is installed
foreach ($server in $serverNames) {
    $resultProps = @{
        Server = $server

    foreach ($kbNumber in $kbNumbers) {
        # Construct the registry path to check for the patch
        $regPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*_Office16.PROPLUS*\"

        if (Test-Path $regPath) {
            # Get the "HelpLink" value from the registry key
            $helpLink = Get-ItemProperty $regPath -Name "HelpLink" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "HelpLink"

            # Check if the "HelpLink" value contains the KB number
            if ($helpLink -like "*$kbNumber*") {
                $resultProps["KB$kbNumber"] = "Yes"
            else {
                $resultProps["KB$kbNumber"] = "No"
        else {
            $resultProps["KB$kbNumber"] = "Office installation not found"

    # Add the results to the array
    $result = New-Object PSObject -Property $resultProps
    $results += $result

# Output the results in HTML format with column headers
$headerRow = "<tr><th>Server</th>"
foreach ($kb in $kbNumbers) {
    $headerRow += "<th>KB$kb</th>"
$headerRow += "</tr>"

$html = @"
    body {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;
    h2 {
        text-align: center;
        margin-top: 20px;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
    table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        margin: 0 auto;
    th, td {
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 5px;
        text-align: center;
    th {
        background-color: #ddd;
    .yes {
        background-color: #aaffaa;
    .no {
        background-color: #ffaaaa;
<h2>Office Patch Status</h2>

foreach ($result in $results) {
    $html += "<tr><td>$($result.Server)</td>"
    foreach ($kb in $kbNumbers) {
        $status = $result."KB$kb"
        if ($status -eq "Yes") {
            $class = "yes"
        elseif ($status -eq "No") {
            $class = "no"
        else {
            $class = ""
        $html  += "</tr>"

$html | Out-File "office_patch_status.html" -Encoding UTF8
ii .\office_patch_status.html

The above script is for checking ms office patches on remote server. Also wanted to add dynamic output column addition capability to the script based on $kbnumbers and output should have only server and KB number columns which shows yes or No

With what? What is not working as expected?