Multiple Switch Parameters in Advanced Function

Okay, so here is an advanced function I threw together as a template with switch parameters. What I would LOVE to know is if there is a better, more efficient way to get the combinations of parameters processed without all of the ElseIf statements. If not, no worries, if so, PLEASE make me privy to this.

{Function Do-Something



        Begin {}

            #Begin Processing Param1 combinations

            If ($Param1 -and $Param2 -and $Param3 -and $Param4 -and $Param5)
                Write-Output "All 5 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param1, Param2, Param3, Param4, and Param5"
            ElseIf ($Param1 -and $Param2 -and $Param3 -and $Param4)
                Write-Output "4 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param1, Param2, Param3, and Param4"

            ElseIf ($Param1 -and $Param2 -and $Param3)
                Write-Output "3 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param1, Param2, and Param3"

            ElseIf ($Param1 -and $Param2)
                Write-Output "2 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param1, and Param2"

            ElseIf ($Param1)
                Write-Output "1 parameter is being used"

                Write-Output "Param1"

            #Begin Processing Param2 combinations

            ElseIf ($Param2 -and $Param3 -and $Param4 -and $Param5)
                Write-Output "4 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param2, Param3, Param4, and Param5"

            ElseIf ($Param2 -and $Param3 -and $Param4)
                Write-Output "3 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param2, Param3, and Param4"

            ElseIf ($Param2 -and $Param3)
                Write-Output "2 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param2 and Param3"

            ElseIf ($Param2)
                Write-Output "1 parameter is being used"

                Write-Output "Param2"

            #Begin Processing Param3 combinations

            ElseIf($Param3 -and $Param4 -and $Param5)
                Write-Output "3 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param3, Param4, and Param5"

            ElseIf ($Param3 -and $Param4)
                Write-Output "2 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param3 and Param4"

            ElseIf ($Param3)
                Write-Output "1 parameter are being used"

                Write-Output "Param3"

            #Begin Processing Param4 combinations

            ElseIf($Param4 -and $Param5)
                Write-Output "2 parameters are being used"

                Write-Output "Param4 and Param5"

            ElseIf ($Param4)
                Write-Output "1 parameters is being used"

                Write-Output "Param4"

            #Begin Processing Param5 combinations

                Write-Output "1 parameter is being used"

                Write-Output "Param5"

        End {}

Do-Something -P1 -P2 -P3 -P4 -P5}

As always, thanks for your help

Hey fella,

Try something like this

Function Do-Something

        $Parameters = (Get-Command -Name $MyInvocation.InvocationName).Parameters | Select -ExpandProperty Keys | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn ('Verbose', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'PipelineVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction','WarningAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'OutVariable') }
        $TotalParameters = $parameters.count
        $ParametersPassed = $PSBoundParameters.Count
        If ($ParametersPassed -eq $TotalParameters) { Write-Output "All $totalParameters parameters are being used" }
        ElseIf ($ParametersPassed -eq 1) { Write-Output "1 parameter is being used" }
        Else { Write-Output "$parametersPassed parameters are being used" }
        [string] $psBoundParameters.Keys
PS C:\Windows\system32> Do-Something -Param1 -Param2 -Param3 -Param4
4 parameters are being used
Param1 Param2 Param3 Param4

PS C:\Windows\system32> Do-Something -Param1
1 parameter is being used

PS C:\Windows\system32> Do-Something -Param1 -Param2
2 parameters are being used
Param1 Param2

PS C:\Windows\system32> Do-Something -Param1 -Param2 -Param3 -Param4 -Param5
All 5 parameters are being used
Param1 Param2 Param3 Param4 Param5

One thing that can be a but funny about using the PSBoundParameters collection is that it’s possible to pass $false to a switch parameter. Looking at PSBoundParameters tests for presence, but not value. The same type of approach works, though; count up the $true values in a single pass, instead of having If statements for every possible combination:

Function Do-Something
    $trueSwitches = @(     
        foreach ($paramName in 'Param1', 'Param2', 'Param3', 'Param4', 'Param5')
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$paramName]) { $paramName }

    $plural = 's are'
    if ($trueSwitches.Count -eq 1) { $plural = ' is' }

    $all = $null
    if ($trueSwitches.Count -eq 5) { $all = 'All ' }

    $paramString = $trueSwitches -join ', ' -replace ', ([^,]+)$', ' and $1'

    Write-Output ('{0}{1} parameter{2} being used' -f $all, $trueSwitches.Count, $plural)
    Write-Output $paramString

Thanks a bunch. I will see how I can incorporate this into my actual code. What are the {0} {1} referred to as and where I can read up on how to use them? Thanks again

The -f (format) operator is covered in the about_Operators help file, though most of the information you’ll find in the MSDN articles that it links you to.