Multi data types.

When I am using Where-Object with “-lt” or “-gt” operators against “FreeSpace(GB in %)” I am getting non numeric values as well; which shouldn’t be. I don’t know how to have multi data types for a parameter, suggest me the corrections to remediate the below bug.

PS C:\Users\lakshv> Get-FreeDiskSpaceInfo -ComputerName LocalHost,HOSTDOESNOTEXISTS,NYWEXMBX2132,NYWEXMBX2130 -DriveLetter C

Computer FreeSpace(GB in %)

HostNotPingable CannotGetInfo

PS C:\Users\lakshv> Get-FreeDiskSpaceInfo -ComputerName LocalHost,HOSTDOESNOTEXISTS,NYWEXMBX2132,NYWEXMBX2130 -DriveLetter C | ?{$_.“FreeSpace(GB in %)” -lt 25}

Computer FreeSpace(GB in %)


PS C:\Users\lakshv> Get-FreeDiskSpaceInfo -ComputerName LocalHost,HOSTDOESNOTEXISTS,NYWEXMBX2132,NYWEXMBX2130 -DriveLetter C | ?{$_.“FreeSpace(GB in %)” -gt 25}

Computer FreeSpace(GB in %)

HostNotPingable CannotGetInfo

**********Coding Starts here *****************

Function Get-FreeDiskSpaceInfo()

	Function FomatOutput([string]$CName,[string]$DLetter)
		$Table | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Computer -Value $CName -force
		$Table | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "FreeSpace(GB in %)" -Value $DLetter -force
	$Table=New-object -type PSObject

	Foreach($c in $ComputerName)
		Write-Progress -Activity "Free-DiskSpace" -Status "In-Prgress" -CurrentOperation $("Calculating FreeDiskSpace of the host: "+$C+"\"+$DriveLetter ) -PercentComplete (([int]$i/[int]$Count)*100)
		Write-Verbose $("Trying To Ping To The Host: "+$C)
		$PingTest=Get-WMIObject -Query "select * from win32_pingstatus where Address='$C'"			
		If($PingTest.StatusCode -eq 0)
			Write-Verbose "Host is pingable !"
			Write-Verbose "Trying To Validate The DriveLetter "
			$FreeSpace=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $c -Filter $Drive -ErrorVariable ERR -ea 1
			if(-not ($FreeSpace -eq $Null))
				Write-Verbose "Its A Valid DriveLetter"
				[int]$FSP=((($FreeSpace.FreeSpace/1GB)/($FreeSpace.Size/1GB))*100) -as [int]
				FomatOutput -CName $C -DLetter $FSP
				Write-Verbose "Its A In-Valid DriveLetter"
				FomatOutput -CName $C -DLetter "InValidDriveLetter"
			write-Verbose "Host Not Pingable !"
			FomatOutput -CName "HostNotPingable" -DLetter "CannotGetInfo"

#Coding ends here

Guys please excuse me, I don’t know how to put data here with indents.

You could edit your post and Enclode the code blocks in [ pre ] and [/pre} to format it. No space between [ and pre and ].

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Please see

The problem arises because you’e outputting a “host not pingable” row for non-reachable hosts. When you do so, you should provide a numeric value, like 0, so that your later math can work. I’m not entire sure I follow your logic, though. It looks like you’re inserting “free space” using a “DLetter” variable, which was intended for a drive letter? Anyway, keep in mind that some drives will not have a free space, like an optical drive. You may be better off writing this in a more script style than a bunch of one-liners, so you can include an If statement that can deal with drives which have no free space.