Mu;tiple selection search in files


The PowerShell code in this educational post is a framework intended only for the demonstration of PowerShell functionalities. The creator does not consider this work to be of production quality.

@andyh - A function’s metadata and parameter attributes can provide much of the feedback you indicated. The following example is only a starting point for your exploration into PowerShell’s built-in capabilities. As @Olaf states, building understanding and skills in PowerShell is an iterative process --and, there should be much reading. However, long ago, someone gave me a programmatic scaffold on which I could develop.


search files in a folder on multiple strings… (OP)
matches on any one of the 3 lookups copy the file found to a archive folder… (OP)


  • Uses Move-Item due to the archival nature in the process (replaces Copy-Item).
  • return safely exits the function, but does not close the PowerShell session (replaces Exit).
    • The function completes as soon as a match is made.
  • Parameter validation provides detailed information to the user (replaces Write-Host or Write-Warning).
  • Optional parameters are provided for source and target directories. Their pattern validation allows for child directories, but not files (-ish. I’m pretty sure this regex could be cheated).
  • The keyword search is not finely tuned. The match is more literal, but unexpected results will occur.
    • Follow @Olaf’s suggestions. The use of the Keywords array can be expanded on prior to the search.
   Move a file when a keyword is found in the contents.
   This function moves a file to a new location when at least one of three keywords is found within the file contents.
   Move-FileToArchive -Keywords "Alice","210328" -SourcePath "A:\SourceDirectory" -TargetPath "A:\TargetDirectory";
   Move-FileToArchive -Keywords "Alice";
   Move-FileToArchive -Keywords "Alice","210328","Bob";
   Keywords (an array of 1 to 3 members)
   Searched file directory (SourcePath)
   Destination file directory (TargetPath)
   File is moved is any one keyword is found in the content.
   Use Filedate format yymmdd in datetime searches.
function Move-FileToArchive
        HelpUri = "Keywords should include: Sender, FileDate, or RecordType",

        if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SourcePath)){$SourcePath = "A:\Backups"}
        if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TargetPath)){$TargetPath = "A:\Backups\TargetArchive"}
        foreach($file in Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -Filter "*.bak")
            [string]$searchFile = "{0}\{1}"-f $SourcePath,$file.Name;
            [string]$content = Get-Content -Path $searchFile;

            foreach($term in $Keywords)
                if($content -match $term)
                    return Move-Item -Path $searchFile -Destination $TargetPath;