Mocking Invoke-Command

How would one go about properly mocking ‘Invoke-Command’ for this example? This is just a part of my function that I’m trying to test at the moment, the second part removes the package if there is a match (calling ‘Invoke-Command’ a second time with a different script block)…

function Remove-ChocoPackage{ 
   param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] 
   $computerName ) 
   $success = $false 
   $listPackages = @(Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {choco list -lo}) 
   $containsPackage = if(@($listPackages) -eq $packageName){$true}else{$false} 

   $success = $true 
   return $success 

The test


Describe 'Test package existence'{
    $packageName1 = "Package1"
    $packageName2 = "Package2"
    $computerName = "comp1234"
    It 'is it there'{
        Mock Invoke-Command { return $packageName1,$packageName2 }
        { Remove-ChocoP -packageName $packageName1 -computerName $computerName } | Should -Be $true
        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Command -Scope It

Results in:
Expected Invoke-Command to be called at least 1 times but was called 0 times

As mentioned earlier, the full function calls ‘Invoke-Command’ a second time. I’m trying to understand how I can Mock ‘Invoke-Command’ for the two different calls, or do I need to even further and Mock ‘choco’?

The full function:

function Remove-ChocoPackage{

    $success = $false
    $listPackages = @(Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {choco list -lo})
    $containsPackage = if(@($listPackages) -eq $packageName){$true}else{$false}

        $removeStatus = invoke-command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {choco uninstall $args[0] -y | out-null
		        return $true
		        return $false
        } -argumentList $packageName

            $success = $true
        $success = $true
    return $success 

you don’t need to wrap Remove-ChocoP -packageName $packageName1 -computerName $computerName inside {}. That is required only when testing exceptiions.
And there is a typo as your function name is Remove-ChocoPackage but you typed it as Remove-ChocoP, but that was not caught as the error occurred inside {} context I think. Mocking works fine if you remove {} and correct the typo.

Actually tried to remove all that after posting, was just a typo…

With the typo fixed and the curly braces removed, still experienced issues with ‘invoke-command’.

A couple of things needed to be resolved…

First, realized I had my repo in a folder under ‘my documents’… moved this all to a shorter/simpler path…

Also, ended up breaking out the first ‘invoke-command’ out into a private function, which I then mocked… which solved my issues…