I’m after some help (again) I’m getting a text file updated with a port number by a gui box for the end user. I only want a max of 3 digits in totally and each one can only range from 0-9. What can i do ? the \d says its a digit …got that far !
This looks like it might work…
Cracked it !!!
do { $AAHelpDirectory = 'C:\AAHelp\tmp\port.cfg' $CurrentPort = get-content "C:\AAHelp\tmp\port.cfg" [int]$NewPortNumber = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("`nPort is currently set to $CurrentPort `n`n`n`n`nPlease Enter the new port number", "AAHELP PORT MANAGER") } Until ($NewPortNumber -match "^\d{3}$")
The final script looked like this, if your interested !
#Add .NET assembly for GUI box [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') | Out-Null #Run do { #Set AAHelp port.cfg location $AAHelpDirectory = 'C:\AAHelp\tmp\port.cfg' #Check current port number $CurrentPort = get-content "C:\AAHelp\tmp\port.cfg" #Run GUI box and request new 3 digit number [int]$NewPortNumber = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("`nPort is currently set to $CurrentPort `n`n`n`nPlease Enter the new port number `n(ONLY 3 Digits)", "AAHELP PORT MANAGER") } #Loop until 3 digit number is supplied Until ($NewPortNumber -match "^\d{3}$") #Update port.cfg file Set-Content -Path $AAHelpDirectory -Value $NewPortNumber