Looking for a Better way

Looking for a better way to do the following from the code block below. I was able to brute force it by running the code in a foreach loop
$DestAddr = $rule.destination
$DestAddrSplit = $DestAddr.split("-")
$SorAddr = $rule.source
$SorAddrSplit = $SorAddr.split("-")
$SorPort = $rule.sorport
$SorPortSplit = $SorPort.split("-")
$DesPort = $rule.desport
$DesPortSplit = $DesPort.split("-")
The Script below works however when I import-Csv I could not get it to do the split as need for the Azure Cmdlet.
$rg = "Test"
$loc = "EASTUS2"
$nsgname = Read-Host -Prompt "Please input NSG Name"
New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $nsgname -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $loc
$NSG = Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $nsgname -ResourceGroupName $rg
$Rules = Import-Csv "C:\temp\PowerhShell\creatensginput.csv"
foreach($Rule in $Rules)
$DestAddr = $rule.destination
$DestAddrSplit = $DestAddr.split("-")
$SorAddr = $rule.source
$SorAddrSplit = $SorAddr.split("-")
$SorPort = $rule.sorport
$SorPortSplit = $SorPort.split("-")
$DesPort = $rule.desport
$DesPortSplit = $DesPort.split("-")
$NSG | Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name $rule.name `</div> <div> -Access $rule.access `
-Direction $rule.direction `</div> <div> -Priority $rule.priority `
-SourceAddressPrefix $SorAddrSplit `</div> <div> -SourcePortRange $SorPortSplit `
-DestinationAddressPrefix $DestAddrSplit `</div> <div> -DestinationPortRange $DesPortSplit `
-Protocol $rule.protocol `
-Description $rule.description
$NSG | Set-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
CSV file
name,direction,priority,access,source,destination,sorport,desport,protocol,description AllowPing,Inbound,100,allow,VirtualNetwork,,2,*,"Icmp","Allow ICMP Ping" AllowRDPToJumpHosts,Inbound,110,allow,VirtualNetwork,111.111-,3389-443,3389-443,Tcp,"Allow the RDP Protocol."

There should be -ErrorAction Stop and try\catch around all Set and Add commands, but here is cleaner version:

$rg = “Test”
$loc = “EASTUS2”
$nsgname = Read-Host -Prompt “Please input nsg Name”

$nsgParams = @{
    Name = $nsgname 
    ResourceGroupName = $rg

$nsg = Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup @nsgParams
if (!$nsg) {
    $nsg = New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup @nsgParams -Location $loc

$Rules =  Import-Csv “C:\temp\PowerhShell\creatensginput.csv”
foreach( $Rule in $Rules ){ 

    $params = @{
        NetworkSecurityGroup     = $nsg
        Name                     = $rule.name 
        Access                   = $rule.access
        Direction                = $rule.direction
        Priority                 = $rule.priority
        SourceAddressPrefix      = $rule.source.Split('-')
        SourcePortRange          = $rule.sorport.Split('-')
        DestinationAddressPrefix = $rule.destination.Split('-')
        DestinationPortRange     = $rule.desport.Split('-')
        Protocol                 = $rule.protocol
        Description              = $rule.description

    Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @params

Set-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup $nsg

so much better still learning power shell most fo the time I can brute force it however I’m trying to learn ways to make it better.