Log Parse Script

I have an example txt file with the below contents which I would like to ONLY extract it’s substring. When I use the below command it’s grabbing the entire line.

#Log File location.
$path = “C:\log.log”

#Search through log for matching string.
Get-Content $path | Select-String -Pattern “size”,“company”,“customerid”


01-01-2012 01:13:36 Blah blah : blah CustomerId:1234 downloaded
Blah Size:5432 bytes Carrier:Company-A
01-01-2012 01:13:45 Blah blah : blah CustomerId:41444 downloaded
Blah Size:38655 bytes Carrier:Company-S
01-01-2012 01:13:47 Blah blah : blah CustomerId:12334 downloaded
Blah Size:25632 bytes Carrier:Company-A
01-01-2012 01:13:50 Blah blah : blah CustomerId:41444 downloaded
Blah Size:7213 bytes Carrier:Company-S
01-01-2012 01:13:58 Blah blah : blah CustomerId:553155 downloaded
Blah Size:70100 bytes Carrier:Company-V

Are the log entries really 2 lines each? What is the expected result you want? Could you give an example with one line? If you post code or log file content you should use the code tags as explained above the post edit tool.

If each line starts with a date, this should work.

$file = Get-ChildItem 'C:\log.log'
$myobj = switch -Regex -File $file {
'CustomerId:(.*?) .*size:(.*?) .*Carrier:(.*)$'

$group = $myobj | Group-Object -Property ID
foreach ($g in $group){
        ID = $g.Name
        TotalSize = ($g.group.size | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
        Company = $g.group.Company | select -First 1
# Results
# ID     TotalSize Company  
# 1234        5432 Company-A
# 41444      45868 Company-S
# 12334      25632 Company-A
# 553155     70100 Company-V


#requires -Version 4

$LogData = Get-Content .\log.log
$Output = @()
foreach ($Line in $LogData) {
    if ($Line -match 'CustomerId') {
        $NewRecord = $true
        $CustomerID = $Line.Substring($Line.LastIndexOf(':')+1,$Line.Length-$Line.LastIndexOf(':')-1).Split(' ')[0]
    if ($Line -match 'Size') {
        if ($NewRecord) {
            $Props = [ordered]@{
                CustomerId = $CustomerID
                Company    = $Line.Substring($Line.LastIndexOf(':')+1,$Line.Length-$Line.LastIndexOf(':')-1).Split(' ')[0]
                Size       = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf(':')+1,$Line.Length-$Line.IndexOf(':')-1).Split(' ')[0]
            $Output += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props 
            $NewRecord = $false
        } # else this is an orphan, disregard
$Output | sort CustomerId | FT -a 

You should get output like:

CustomerId Company   Size 
---------- -------   ---- 
12334      Company-A 25632
1234       Company-A 5432 
41444      Company-S 38655
41444      Company-S 7213 
553155     Company-V 70100

Thanks all! How would I total the size of each unique customer?


$Groups = $Output | group -Property CustomerID | Sort Count -Descending
$Tally = @()
foreach ($Item in $Groups) { 
    $Props = [ordered]@{
        CustomerId = $Item.Group.CustomerID | select -First 1
        Company    = $Item.Group.Company | select -First 1
        TotalSize  = $($Sum = 0; $Item.Group.Size | % { $Sum += $_ }; $Sum)
    $Tally += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props 
$Tally | sort CustomerId | FT -a 

(This depends on $Output from above…)
Example output:

CustomerId Company   TotalSize
---------- -------   ---------
12334      Company-A     31064
41444      Company-S     45868
553155     Company-V     70100

I edited my previous post to include total size for each customerid.

Thanks guys for the help.