LCM on clean Windows 2012R2 with WMF 5.0 Feb preview don’t apply configuration. I’ve also tested with WMF 5.0 April Preview, same issue.
WMF 5.0 November Preview works fine on Windows 2012R2 and Windows 2012.
Anybody can comment on that, maybe experienced the same issue or can suggest how-to troubleshot things.
Have you looked to see what’s being logged by the LCM?
I’d suggest enabling a diagnostics trace (DSCDiagnostics module from the Resource Kit) and seeing if you couldn’t get some more detail from the diagnostics log.
I’ve enabled Analytics and Debug logs, but still nothing. I can get it run only when I reboot machine. That’s it. Timer based execution are not triggered. There are no messages in Debug/Analytic/Operational logs. Here is the policy and LCM configuration I try to apply to test machine:
When looking at what is returned by the LCM, the ConfigurationID is empty, are you not missing something like ConfigurationID = $GUID in your configuration file?
As far as I know ConfigurationID indicates a GUID which is used to get a particular configuration file from a server set up as a “pull” server. In my case I use PUSH mode, so it’s not applicable.