Kill remote process which age is more than 15mins


I wrote a script which will kill a process on multiple servers which age is more than 15mins. Below is the script:


$ServerList = Get-Content Servers.txt
#mail configuration
$FromAddress = “XXXXX”
$ToAddress = “XXXXX”
$SendingServer = “XXXXX”

foreach( $Server in $ServerList)
$startTimeLimit = (get-date) - (new-timespan -minutes 15)
$processes_to_kill = get-process | where {($.Name -eq “winword”) -and
.StartTime -lt (get-date).addminutes(15)) }
if ($processes_to_kill -ne $null)
$processes_to_kill | foreach { $_.Kill() }

$MessageSubject = “winword.exe process found running over 15 min’s & killed on ${server}”
$MessageBody =“${server} - winword.exe process found running over 15 min’s & killed”
$SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $MessageSubject, $MessageBody

#Send the message
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SendingServer


But, the above script is not killing it. Can someone help me on this, If I am missing something. It would be great, If I can get the PID of the process aswell after killing.



Time for you to look into the help documentation of Get-Process cmdlet.

This is how we get a process with a specific name.

Get-Process -Name winword

Getting all process and filtering with Where cmdlet is not the way to achieve it.

cmdlet to terminate a process is Stop-Process,

Get-Process -Name winword | Where-Object -FilterScript {#whatever filter} | Stop-Process

TO get the PID use -PassThru parameter.

$Process = Get-Process -Name winword | Where-Object -FilterScript {#whatever filter} | Stop-Process -PassThru