JEA for Entra ID

Has any one used JEA for Entra ID joined devices?

I have a local group setup for JEA and the Enta ID user was added to that group. but I still get access denied.

Hey David,

Welcome back!

Share your code/config of your JEA setup if you would and be sure to format it as code. Also I am not sure if I quite understand the issue you described so if you could add clarifying details that would help! Thank you!

the important lines.

VisibleCmdlets = @{ Name = ‘Set-ItemProperty’; Parameters = @{ Name = ‘Path’; ValidateSet = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' }, @{ Name = ‘Name’; ValidateSet = ‘UseSystemPrintDialog’ } , @{ Name = ‘value’; ValidateSet = ‘1’,‘0’ } }
VisibleProviders = ‘Registry’

RunAsVirtualAccount = $true
RoleDefinitions = @{
‘0F33HH423413BF\NavPrintJEA’ = @{ RoleCapabilities = ‘NavPrintRole’ }
0F33HH423413BF is the device name. and NavPrintJEA is a local group

the only meber of the group is my user with the DOMAIN\USER format.
this account is an Entra ID (Azure AD) account and the device is Jointed to Entra ID
so the user is NOT a local account.

Enter-PSSession -ConfigurationName NavPrintJEA -ComputerName localhost -Credential $cred
Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message : Access is denied.

Enter-PSSession -ConfigurationName NavPrintJEA -ComputerName localhost
Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the
request. The following error with errorcode 0x8009030e occurred while using Negotiate authentication: A specified logon
session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

Please format your code: How to format code on

You are in territory I haven’t tested/played around with I think. It sounds like you’re configuring JEA on a system bound to Entra (cloud) and referencing a local group on that same system to give access to the endpoint. I’ve only used JEA on premise, and always with a corresponding security group. I also don’t really have a way to test to see if I can replicate your findings thus far.

Just to be 100% positive, is the system running the jea config also on 0F33HH423413BF? I assume so because you’re using a VirtualAccount as a runas account but wanted to make sure.

Have you used JEA and configured a session with a local group before from a system? If not, just for kicks, would you be willing to try a non localgroup with that user added instead? I wonder if you can reference a security group from the cloud? Based on the docs, in theory you could also reference a specific account and not a group, may be another thing to try to rule out things. What all else have you tried to get it to work?

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