Issues with installing Powershell 2013 (isolated) on Windows 10

Hello everyone,

Simple questions really, I am having issues installing powershell 2013 (isolated) on my windows 10 machine.

The issue arises when I begin the installation process and about 10% into installing procedure, the installation application closes unexpectedly.

Does anyone have any advice, or provide insight to where I may find answers?

Thanks for your time.

powershell 2013 ??? thee is no such PowerShell version. can you give more details, atleast the link to the installer you used.
Windows 10 comes with latest available (5.1) version of Windows PowerShell.

PowerShell do have an Open sourced version which is 6.1.0 (latest)

My apologies, it seems I have PowerShell confused with Visual studio isolated shell. I guess its best to ignore this thread, I might have to ask a different community. Thanks anyway.