Is there a way to get the variable name from class

For a long time i try to simplize process of giving variable and save it with name of the variable and value ,but i didn’t seems to find a way to do so

using namespace System.Xml.Linq

    class ADvar {
        [string]$path = "$psscriptroot\xml\advar.xml"

        [void] DoInit([pscustomobject]$pscustomobject){
            $pscustomobjectName = (($pscustomobject) | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
            foreach ($propertyName in $pscustomobjectName) {
                $this.$propertyName = $pscustomobject.$propertyName

        ADvar ([pscustomobject]$pscustomobject){

        [object] save(){
            $object = [XElement]::new("object",
            return $object.ToString()

        [string] GetVariableName([object]$variable) {
            $variableName = (Get-Variable | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $variable }).Name
            return $variableName

    Describe "it test ADvar" {
        context "test first"{
            it "test the getvariableName"{

                $advar = [ADvar]::new([pscustomobject]@{
                    name = "test"
                    value = "test"
                    description = "test"
                $advar.GetVariableName($advar) | Should -Be "advar"

powershell > test.advar.ps1

Starting discovery in 1 files.
Discovery found 1 tests in 10ms.
Running tests.
[-] it test ADvar.test first.test the getvariableName 15ms (14ms|1ms)
 Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
 Expected length: 5
 Actual length:   58
 Strings differ at index 0.
 Expected: 'advar'
 But was:  '? advar IsCoreCLR IsWindows isWindows10 this true variable'
 at $advar.GetVariableName($advar) | Should -Be "advar", C:\Users\Adminnistrator\my-modules\run\test.adclass.ps1:49
 at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\Adminnistrator\my-modules\run\test.adclass.ps1:49