Is there a way to display the content added to a variable when it is created?


Newbie question, is there a way to show the content of a variable when it is created?
e.g. Create a variable that contains an array with all distribution groups and display its content on the console

$Groups = Get-Distribution

I was wondering something like the Tee-Object (shows on the console and saves the result on a file) but without creating a file…

New-Variable -Name Groups -Value (Get-Distribution) -PassThru

For new variables. And

Set-Variable -Name Groups -Value (Get-Distribution) -PassThru

to change the value

Thanks Olaf!

not sure what version they added it to, but you can also use the -outvariable parameter like this:

Get-Distribution -OutVariable Groups

That will display on the screen and put it into $Groups

Jeremy Murrah,

Thanks, that was the best way for me!


I found an article that explained three ways to do this. So I thought that I should share with you guys:

Get-Process -Id $pid -OutVariable b
($a = Get-Process -Id $pid)
Get-Process -Id $pid | Tee-Object -Variable c

Same option but faster, using the pipeline:

Tee-Object -InputObject (Get-Process -Id $pid) -Variable d

Hope it helps =]