by iHunger at 2012-10-26 09:06:03
Does Invoke-command -asJob have an easy way to set the job name, or is it easiest to do something like this:by DonJ at 2012-10-26 09:12:22(invoke-command -ComputerName somepc -scriptblock {get-myinfo} -asJob).Name = "MyJobName123"
The -JobName iHunger at 2012-10-26 11:10:07
Perfect - Thanks Don. I don’t know how many blog post I went through that talked about invoke-command and -asJob, but none of them bothered to name their DonJ at 2012-10-26 11:13:27
*Ironically the first two things I tried were -asJob "MyJobName" and -Name "MyJobName".
LOL - I always have to remind myself to read the "-full" help for every new cmdlet I run across, so I’ll have some idea of its other capabilities in the back of my head. And then do it again with every new version. I can’t tell you how long it took me to discover -Delimiter on Export-CSV after v2 shipped.