Installing files via PowerShell


I have the following two Nuget files:

  1. microsoft.aspnet.identity.samples.2.2.0-alpha1.
  2. nupkgsendgrid.9.10.0.nupkg
that I need to install in my packages.config file in Visual Studio 2017. Such files are usually installed through Package Manager Console in Visual Studio from the NuGet Web site, but I don't have an Internet connection at the moment. Is there a way of installing them into Visual Studio 2017 from my C drive, please, via PowerShell?

My Visual Studio project is in a folder called WebFormsIdentity:


When I open that WebFormsIdentity folder, there are two folders, my packages and WebFormsIdentity folder (which contains my project files), my WebFormsIdentity. sln file, and the two nupkg files I wish to install.

Thank you.

Yes you can do it. You would read help documentation of Save-Package and Install-Package cmdlet.

Module reference: PackageManagement Module - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs

[quote quote=150194]Yes you can do it. You would read help documentation of Save-Package and Install-Package cmdlet.

Module reference:


As right now this link is not working (404 error); here is another source: