I am looking for a way to rank values in a csv column in powershell, similar to python in which you would read the column into list

Pass the csv column into a powershell list? Or use a powershell module? I am trying to count the frequency of IP addresses in a device log, thanks!

Your description is a bit vague. I assume you’ve heard about Import-Csv or haven’t you? If not - please read the complete help topic including the examples to learn how to use it

1 Like

As well Import-CSV, you might look at Group-Object.

Example, using ConvertFrom-Csv in lieu of Import-Csv:

$data = @'

$csv = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv
$csv | Group-Object IP


Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
    3                  {@{IP=; ComputerName=host1}, @{IP=; ComputerName=host3}, @{IP=; ComputerName=host3}}
    2                  {@{IP=; ComputerName=host2}, @{IP=; ComputerName=host4}}
    1                  {@{IP=; ComputerName=host5}}
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@greg00m - when you are looking for the frequency of n in set X, find the Mode of the set.

  • The most frequent IP address in the source data (that I shamelessly copied from an 8yo post in another forum) is
  • The output from the code is a single value that is the most frequent IP address in the set.
  • I scrambled the order of the arrays to show that sorting is not required.
    • Luckily, we are not calculating modal intervals for continuous data.
  • I used an array of arrays instead of CSV because your text file could be JSON, and JSON and arrays swap well in PowerShell.

Demo Code

using namespace System.Collections;

$logFile = @(
    ('','sssched','Mon Jul 22 08:39:38','2013','SNBSCH5607J','Starting job Mail-BASE (start job with sched_id 4496778)'),
    ('','sstptmm','Mon Jul 22 08:45:56','2013','SNBTMM5461O','Node( drive(dev007) volser(TP0011) mount rc=(0)'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:39:38','2013 SNBJH_3075J','Syncsort Backup Express version 3.1; Copyright(c) Syncsort'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:39:44','2013 SNBJH_3462J','--- Building file list for node MAIL2 disk C: of job 1374496778'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:40:06','2013 SNBJH_3463J','--- Finished building file list for node MAIL1 disk C: of job 1374496778'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:40:06','2013 SNBJH_3463J','--- Finished building file list for node MAIL2 disk C: of job 1374496778'),
    ('','sstptmm','Mon Jul 22 08:43:11','2013','SNBTMM5462O','Attempting mount for node( drive(dev007) volser(TP0011)'),
    ('','sstptmm','Mon Jul 22 08:45:29','2013','SNBTMM5462O','Attempting mount for node( drive(dev006) volser(TP0010)'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:39:38','2013 SNBJH_3208J','===== New Job Solar (job ID 1374496778 / hex 51ED280A) starts'),
    ('','ssjobhnd','Mon Jul 22 08:39:41','2013 SNBJH_3462J','--- Building file list for node MAIL1 disk C: of job 1374496778'),
    ('','sstptmm','Mon Jul 22 08:48:21','2013','SNBTMM5461O','Node( drive(dev006) volser(TP0010) mount rc=(0)')

# I don't usually compact my classes like this - just saving space.
Class Tally{[string] $IP;[int] $tally; Tally($q1,$q2){$this.IP = $q1; $this.tally=$q2}}

$tallyTable = [ArrayList]::new();
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $logFile.Count; $i++)
    $u = [Tally]::new($logFile[$i][0],$logFile.Where({$_[0] -eq $logFile[$i][0]}).Count);
$tallyTable.Where({$_.tally -eq ($tallyTable.tally|Select-Object -Unique| Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum}).IP|Select-Object -Unique;



@matt-bloomfield showed the counts of IPs in the set, which speaks to your post. So, I showed how the most frequent IP address could be returned by determining the mode. The output could be modified to show the top 2 most frequent IPs, and so forth. A handy summation if your log files are huge.

I’ve used this method to determine the most frequent (reoccurring) number of members in a collection of AD security groups. I used a similar method to calculate the most frequent database size range across a server farm (that’s that modal interval of discrete data thing again).