How to split the results of a get command with delimiter

Dear community,

I am using the get-smbconnection cmdlet and would like to know how is it possible to split the 6 columns that its result returned into 6 separate outputs with a delimiter

This will help me to display at will any of the 6 columns, because they will have a clear delimiter between each column and a row per result. An array in shot :slight_smile:

An example of this cmdlet and its output:

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-smbconnection

ServerName      ShareName           UserName           Credential                Dialect NumOpens
----------      ---------           --------           ----------                ------- --------
Server1         ShareA              DOMAIN\userA       DOMAIN\userA              3.0     1
Server2         ShareB              DOMAIN\userB       DOMAIN\userB              3.0.2   3

I would like to be able to display it as an array with columns and delimiters.

Let me know if I am not entirely clear

Thanks a lot in advance

May I suggest that there are better tools to display graphical tabular information rather than the text screen, such as Microsoft Excel.
You can simply pipe the output of the get-smbconnection cmdlet to export-csv
In the text screen, you can pipe the output to Format-Table with the -AutoSize switch for slightly better display

Hello Sam,

Many thanks for your reply and time.

I forgot to mention that I intend to use that in a script on a script executing tool that will run it on multiple computers and therefore it needs to return the results to the standard output of the console


Another cool way to display structured data produced by a Powershell script is Out-GridView. Therefor you don’t even need any other tool installed. And if needed you can make a choice in this gridview and perform further steps with the chosen data.

From what you’ve said, it seems like the issue is more a need to store the data rather than to split up the columns.

There are several ways to go about this, but the simplest is just to export the objects to a text-based format, like CSV or json. Example:

# Uses a comma-delimited file by default, pass a string to -Delimiter to change this behaviour
Get-SmbConnection | Export-Csv -Path '\\path\to\file.csv' -NoTypeInformation # Export
$SMB = Import-Csv -Path '\\path\to\file.csv' # Import; if non-default delimiter, specify delimiter

# Fixed format, but works better with nested datasets
Get-SmbConnection | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path '\\path\to\file.json' # Export
$SMB = Get-Content -Path '\\path\to\file.json' | ConvertFrom-Json # Import

Thank you all

I think this is not yet the goal of what I am looking and I think it is due to a misexplaination of myself, so I will try better

The output of my script needs to be in the console, it cannot be in a file. And import it as suggested by Joel is not ideal since I am losing the delimiter needed.

The goal is more to split the columns returned by the cmdlets, in new columns displayed in the console but that have a delimiter.

As my tool will return the results of this script as follow on its UI, I need to be able to give him the information with a delimiter it can take into account, each row will be a different computer and in each column I need to have all the rows the cmdlet returned for each column for the cmdlet answer (like 3 lines in there were 3 smb shares open).

Hope I am a bit clearer

Thanks again all for your great help !

The output of my script needs to be in the console ...
May I ask why? What's the goal? What's wrong with Format-Table -Autosize? Did you try Out-GridView?

Rather than export, you could instead make use of ConvertTo-Csv, which will return the same thing, just in the console (delimiters and all).

Thank you Joel,

ConvertTo-Csv did the trick !

I added the -notypeinformation | select -skip 1 at the end to remove header from my results since I don’t need them

Thanks a lot all !

The final code is as follow

$result= get-smbconnection | select servername,sharename,credential,dialect | convertto-csv -notypeinformation | select -skip 1
Write-Output $result