How to save and pass variable to xWebSite DSC resource BindingInfo parameter.

Let’s say I’d like to divide data and configuration and I’d love to sites binding info in DSCConfigurationdata file, separately from DSC configuration like that:

    xWebsite xWebsite1
        Name = ""
        ApplicationPool = ""
        Ensure = "Present"
        PhysicalPath = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\"
        State = "Started"
        BindingInfo = $Node.BindingInfo

and DSCConfigurationdata file will contain something following:

        BindingInfo = @(
                               Protocol = "HTTP"
                               Port = 80
                               IPAddress = ""
                               HostName = ""
                               Protocol = "HTTPS"
                               Port = 443
                               IPAddress = ""
                               HostName = ""
                               CertificateThumbprint = "54634563456345"
                               CertificateStoreName = "WebHosting"

But since BindingInfo should be of type [CimInstance]] and this is specific CIM instance defined resource I can instantiate it and create an array of elements of CimInstance (actually MSFT_xWebBindingInformation class).

So can anybody please can help me on how to achieve that.

Thanks in advance.

This is ugly, but it works.

configuration Test
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xWebAdministration

    node $AllNodes.NodeName
        xWebsite xWebsite1
            Name            = ""
            ApplicationPool = ""
            Ensure          = "Present"
            PhysicalPath    = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\"
            State           = "Started"
            BindingInfo = @(
                foreach ($bindingInfo in $Node.BindingInfo)
                    # Unfortunately, you can't splat parameters to DSC resources at the moment, and
                    # the xWebBindingInformation class will complain if you try to pass a blank value
                    # to CertificateStoreName, so that leads to clunky things like this.  Hopefully
                    # MS will allow for splatting in DSC eventually.

                    if ($bindingInfo.CertificateStoreName)
                            Port                  = [UInt16] $bindingInfo.Port
                            Protocol              = $bindingInfo.Protocol
                            IPAddress             = $bindingInfo.IPAddress
                            HostName              = $bindingInfo.HostName
                            CertificateThumbprint = $bindingInfo.CertificateThumbprint
                            CertificateStoreName  = $bindingInfo.CertificateStoreName
                            Port                  = [UInt16] $bindingInfo.Port
                            Protocol              = $bindingInfo.Protocol
                            IPAddress             = $bindingInfo.IPAddress
                            HostName              = $bindingInfo.HostName
                            CertificateThumbprint = $bindingInfo.CertificateThumbprint

Thanks Dave. It works.

Hi Dave!!

How could I use the xWebsite command to create two or more website at the same powershell script ? Do you have some example?

best regards!!