How to pull Primary SMPT from secondary SMTP


I have a list of user’s secondary SMTP and I am trying to find the Primary one based on that list.

This is my script which doesn’t work as expected.


get-aduser -Properties * | Where-Object $._proxyaddresses -Like (Get-Content C:\Temp\SMTP\list.txt) | ForEach-Object {

? {$_ -match ‘^smtp’} {


name = $

SMTPproxyaddresses = $addr




Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

Cheers, M


There is a lot going on there - but I checked and I have something from earlier this year I wrote for work with our office 365 migration - and here is a modified version below.

for efficiency you only want to get the users which are in your file - i used csv - but you can change the import-csv to get-content (and then change the get-aduser line)

foreach ($Item in Import-Csv c:\temp\users.csv)
	$user = Get-ADUser $($Item.user) -Properties proxyaddresses
	$primaySMTP = ( $user | Select-Object -ExpandProperty | Where-Object{ $_ -clike "SMTP:*" }).replace("SMTP:", "")
		"Name" = "$($"
		"SMTPProxyAddressses" = ($user.proxyaddresses) -join ";"
		"PrimarySMTP" = $primaySMTP


The csv will contain only the users smtp address so proxyaddresses but smtp from which i want to pull the SMTP address.

Your script iterates on user which is not on the csv.



The csv will contain only the users smtp address so proxyaddresses but smtp from which i want to pull the SMTP address.

Your script iterates on user which is not on the csv.


Your script seems to be broken or incomplete.
From what I understood, you are trying to get all the users whose proxy addresses are in your list.

$SMTP = Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\SMTP\list.txt
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Where-Object {$._proxyaddresses -in $SMTP} | ForEach-Object -Process {
#Do what you want

Note: Get-AdUser has identity as a default mandatory parameter, if you don’t have a specific identity but need all , you have to use -filter with *(wildcard) as value.

And you have to put your script between the pre tags for formatting when posting in the forum.