How to Get Process Perf Data with brief logic?


I’m trying to get Process PerfData with this script in 2008 NT SP2.

but this consume cpu usage so much than i expected because of Get-WmiObject command.

i don’t have any idea to change this code…

i need some help please

$cpuCores = (Get-wmiObject -class win32_processor |measure-object -sum numberoflogicalprocessors).sum
$tops = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process |select-object -property Name, @{“Name” = “CpuUsage”; Expression = {int}}, CreatingProcessID, IDProcess, @{“Name” = “Memory”; Expression = {int}}, StartTime, Owner |? {$.Name -notmatch "^(idle|total|system|svchost.*)$"} |Sort-Object -Property “CpuUsage” -Descending|Select-Object -First 10
$handlelist = Get-Wmiobject -class win32_process | select-object HandleCount, ProcessId, @{“Name” = “Owner”; Expression = {$
.GetOwner().user}}, @{“Name” = “starttime”; Expression = {$
$r =“0 Script_Cpu_Top_List - OK : cputoplist=[COMMAND,%CPU,PARENTID,PID,MEMORY,STIME,USER”

foreach($i in $tops){
$handle= $handlelist | where-object {$_.ProcessId -eq $id}
[string]$starttime = $handle.starttime
[string]$owner = $handle.Owner

$owner_start = $owner.IndexOf(“") + 1
if ($owner_start -gt 1)
$owner_end = $owner.length
$owner = $owner.substring($owner_start,($owner_end-$owner_start))
$temp = $i.Name,$i.CpuUsage,$i.CreatingProcessID,$i.IDProcess,$i.Memory,$i.starttime,$i.owner -join “,”
$r=$r +“]”