I am working on putting together a PowerShell GUI for some Helpdesk folks at my work and what I want to happen is when a button is clicked, I want the Out-GridView to display with the results.
However, it is not working the way I had intended, but it works just fine when running from the PowerShell ISE.
I am assuming then that when running PowerShell code from a GUI, Windows Forms locks in any external processes extraneous to its control? Therefore, I need to use a Windows Forms toolbox object instead like a textbox, etc?
If this is the case, which Windows Forms object should I use that would be the closest thing to Out-GridView?
You might share a relevant chunk of code; I’ve never had a problem invoking Out-GridView from a WinForms script. Rolling your own GridView is extremely nontrivial.
I don’t have SCCM so I can’t test this myself, but I’ve done exactly this with Get-Process and other “native” commands on more than one occasion. Worked fine.