How to encorp multiple offices in If Statement

Hi All

so i have around 55 offices globally, i now need to test which office a computer belongs to (which is contained in DN / $ouResult ) and write to a file that will contain the office devices.

Now whats the best way to say if it does not match office one check office2,3,4,5…


if it does not match

if ($ouResult -like “OU=Newcastle”)

move onto

if ($ouResult -like “*OU=Office2”)

until it finds a match

<pre>$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME 

$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root) 
$searcher.Filter = "(&amp;(objectClass=computer)(name=$ComputerName))" 
[System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult]$result = $searcher.FindOne() 
if (!$?) 
$dn = $result.Properties["distinguishedName"] 
$ouResult = $dn.Substring($ComputerName.Length + 4) 
if ($ValueOnly) 

$Serial = gwmi win32_bios |select Serialnumber -ExpandProperty Serialnumber

if ($ouResult -like “OU=Newcastle”)
$path = “c:\Newcastle\dds.csv”

 try{ Test-Path -EA Stop $path; $Serial | Export-Csv "c:\Newcastle\dds.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append } catch { $Serial | Export-Csv "c:\Newcastle\dds.csv" -NoTypeInformation }



check list of other offices until match found then write to file belonging to office#

$path = “c:\Toronto\dds.csv”

 try{ Test-Path -EA Stop $path; $Serial | Export-Csv "c:\toronto\dds.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append } catch { $Serial | Export-Csv "c:\toronto\dds.csv" -NoTypeInformation }

im assuming theres a better way than a ton of if statements

Is the file path always the same name as the root OU? If so, I would just parse that out and substitute.

But to address your specific questions, create a csv file with your patterns and destinations.


Load that file at the top of your script.

$tbl=import-csv pathtocsv

Loop through the patterns looking for a match.

foreach ($row in $tbl) {
  if ($ouResult -like $row.pattern) {
...   Export-Csv $row.destination ...

Thanks Ron, Huge help…

If you are lucky, as Ron eluded, if they use the same OU path you can do a parse like this:

$dns= "OU=Computers,OU=Newcastle,OU=Locations,DC=mycompany,DC=com","OU=Computers,OU=Toronto,OU=Locations,DC=mycompany,DC=com"

foreach ($dn in $dns) {
    $parsed = ($dn.Split(",")[1]).Replace("OU=","")

Generally switch is used to eliminate redundant code.




#you can even make it a function, place it at the top of your script and use it later in your code

function get-office{





get-office $ouresult

Thanks for the suggestions, i went with Rons as the aim of this is to turn into a single button GUI & having the locations in CSV stored on network will allow changes without re-issuing the program.

Here is my Final Script (well without any error handling)

    $tbl=import-csv  "H:\EAA\DDS\EOL Program\offices.csv" -Delimiter ","
    $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME 
    $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root) 
    $searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=computer)(name=$ComputerName))" 
    [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult]$result = $searcher.FindOne() 
    if (!$?) 
    $dn = $result.Properties["distinguishedName"] 
    $ouResult = $dn.Substring($ComputerName.Length + 4)
    if ($ValueOnly) 

    $Serial = gwmi win32_bios |select Serialnumber -ExpandProperty Serialnumber
    foreach ($row in $tbl) {

  if ($ouResult -like $row.pattern) {

$serial | Export-Csv $row.destination -NoTypeInformation -append -

CSV content looks like

Pattern, Destination
OU=#London Campus, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\London Campus.csv
OU=Adelaide, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Adelaide.csv
OU=Amsterdam, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Amsterdam.csv
OU=Auckland, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Auckland.csv
OU=Beijing, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Beijing.csv
OU=Belfast, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Belfast.csv
OU=Belgrade, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Belgrade.csv
OU=Berlin, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Berlin.csv
OU=Bogota, \global\europe\Transfer\Newcastle\Test\Bogota.csv