How to add a delay/pause to a macro that is used to simulate user keystrokes

Hello all,


I’m extremely new to powershell and I’ve been trying to add a delay to a macro command string with no luck. the command runs extremely fast and I want to add a tiny delay to it to at least see it for a sec or two. I’m working on a .csv file and I’ve figured out what I need to do so far with the exection of making it run a little slower. Is this even possible and if so what command should I used for this? TIA

It would help us understand the problem much better if you can share your code or a sample code here.

Window Macro Description
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe{CTRL}(W) 7.10 Chrome1-Macro

This is what it looks like so far, I just want to add the pause or delay before it closes the window. Is this posible?

Please share your Powershell code. Use the code tag button (“PRE”) to format it as code, please.

You could use Autoit instead.

You might want to review Get-Help Start-Sleep

#region Script Methods

Description : Create runtime object collection from CSV data
Input(s) : CSV Object
Output(s) : Object array
Function Import-MacroData([Object[]]$CSVData)
[Object[]]$OutData = @()
$CSVData | ForEach-Object {
[String]$Window = $_.Window
[String]$Description = $_.Description
[String]$pausePattern = '\{Pause.*?\}'

if ($_.Macro -notmatch $pausePattern)
#Add macro that does not contain any pauses
$OutData += Add-DataObject -Window $Window -RawMacro $_.Macro -Macro (ConvertTo-SendKeyString -InputString $_.Macro) -Description $Description
[String[]]$sMacro = $_.Macro -split $pausePattern
[System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection]$pauses = [RegEx]::Matches($_.Macro, '\{Pause.*?\}')
if ($_.Macro.Trim() -match '^\{Pause.*?\}$')
#Add single pause macro
$OutData += Add-DataObject -Window $Window -RawMacro $_.Macro.Trim() -Macro (Get-PauseDuration -InputString $_.Macro.Trim()) -Description $Description -Pause
[Int]$count = $count = $sMacro.Count - 1
for ([Int]$i = 0; $i -le $count; $i++ )
[String]$macro = $sMacro[$i]
if (($i -gt 0) -and ($i -lt $sMacro.Count))
#Add pause macro after first non-pause macro and before preceeding macros
[String]$pause = $pauses[$i-1].Value
$OutData += Add-DataObject -Window $Window -RawMacro $pause -Macro (Get-PauseDuration -InputString $pause) -Description $Description -Pause
$OutData += Add-DataObject -Window $Window -RawMacro $macro -Macro (ConvertTo-SendKeyString -InputString $macro) -Description $Description
#Add before pause macros and after pause macros
$OutData += Add-DataObject -Window $Window -RawMacro $macro -Macro (ConvertTo-SendKeyString -InputString $macro) -Description $Description
