Hi, all.
Apologies if this is a newbie issue, I have been working with PS for some time to perform basic tasks like starting/stopping servers, etc and recently I started to learn how to leverage PS to perform build and deploy tasks in Azure DevOps.
I have been trying to wire up some webtests (397!!!) in an Azure DevOps pipeline and I can’t seem to get past an annoying issue. Here’s my script:
[CmdletBinding()] param ( $tool = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe", $path, $include = "*.webtest", $results, $testsettings) $rootFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory Write-Host "Root folders: $rootFolders" foreach($directory in $rootFolders) { $web_tests = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Recurse -Include $include foreach ($item in $web_tests) { $args += "/TestContainer:$item " } Write-Host "Command: $args" $resultsFile = $results.Replace(".trx", ($directory.ToString() + ".trx")) Write-Host "ResultsFile: $resultsFile" & $tool $args /resultsfile:$resultsFile /testsettings:$testsettings }
The problem I’m having is in resetting the ‘$args’ variable. I tried using ‘Clear-Variable’ after the invoke (&) command but it fails in the next iteration as it seems to loose the ‘$tool’ variable value.
What is the correct way to reset the ‘$args’ variable?