help with Subract array old value with new value

Hi all,

i have an array

$number = 50,10,25,60,84

i want to subtract 50 from 500 then update that value and continue down the list. something like this

500-50 = 450
450-10 = 440
440-25 = 415
415-60 = 355
355-84 = 271

i can do it manually

$amount = 500

$number[0]= $amount - $number[0]
$number[1]= $number[0] - $number[1]
$number[2]= $number[1] - $number[2]
$number[3]= $number[2] - $number[3]
$number[4]= $number[3] - $number[4]


PS C:\Users\Administrator> $number

Please may i ask for some guidance as to how i can do this using for statement?

i keep failing, below is what i tried but only works for the first value.

for($i=0; $i -lt $number.Count; $i++){

$amount - $number[$i]



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Thanks in advance.

$numberList = 50,10,25,60,84
$Amount = 500

foreach ($Number in $numberList) {
    $Amount -= $Number

Man i didn’t know you can subtract like that. i spent hours on this lol

Thank you Olaf! Much appreciated. i’ve edited the post.

I got my list \o/

$numberList = 50,10,25,60,84
$Amount = 500
$UpdatedList = @()

foreach ($Number in $numberList) {

    $UpdatedList += [pscustomobject]@{'Amount' = $Amount-=$Number
                                      'Numbers'= $Number}


$numberList = 50, 10, 25, 60, 84
$Amount = 500
$UpdatedList = @()
$UpdatedList =
foreach ($Number in $numberList) {
        'Amount'  = $Amount -= $Number
        'Numbers' = $Number

Thanks :slight_smile: